A&p Mechanic Cob?

Go ask Judge Mitchell and see if he will tell you that is it legal and binding, you voted on it and you hopefully read it.
I still don't see a five year clause in this letter :

US Airways Update - Employees Returning from Involuntary Furlough

US Airways

February 9, 2005

Tom Miklavic
Assistant General Chairman
IAMAW District 141

Dear Mr. Miklavic:

The ratified transformation plan requires that employees returning from involuntary furlough return to the first step of the pay scale.

While there is no "grandfather' provision for employees currently on involuntary furlough, the Company will not begin to enforce this new policy until March 15. 2005. Additionally, we will contact employees on involuntary furlough who refused recall between January 31, 2005 and today, to offer on a one time basis for these employees to change their refusal to an acceptance of recall.

Employees on involuntary furlough who accept recall on March 15, 2005 or later will return to the first step of the pay scale.


E. Allen Hemenway
Vice President, Labor Relations
You make this too easy.

IAM District 141 is Fleet Service not Mechanic and Related.

IAM District 142 is Mechanic and Related, can you not see the difference?

Did you even check the link I provided to the specific language?

No wonder why the IBT is overmatched by HP's labor relations with people like you on the negotiating committee.

Take the time and educate yourself.

Let me educate you once again, go read this and learn:

This is the exact language:

Employees returning from furlough in excess of 5 consecutive years will return to the first step of the pay scale

Term Sheet Modfications
I never claimed to know the IAM districts - What I did say was the letter I read did not state five years - Thank you for explaining it - but your demeanor could use work. Not a wonder your rank and file are fed up with you.

Get use to the new way of doing business when the IAM contract becomes the CBA, the Lead Mechanic makes the assignments and he/she choose who goes and does what.

wrong again; read the new contract, the super can direct as he sees fit.


Care to wager on that?

The exact language:

Management employees may assign and/or direct the work of covered employees where Leads are not readily available

Don't let the facts get in your way.
Care to wager on that?

The exact language:
Don't let the facts get in your way.

Pretty vague.. What is the definition of not readily available?? Is he in the bathroom
taking a dump??

The way the contract is now the supervisor can pretty much do what they want as far
as leading and directing..

Something else the IAM had shoved down their throat.. No more complaints about
leading and directing.

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