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Union Appeals Name Tally


Sep 15, 2003
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Union appeals name tally
By D.R. STEWART World Staff Writer

American Airlines mechanics deserve a vote, mediators are told.
An insurgent mechanics union at American Airlines is appealing a National Mediation Board investigator's ruling last month that the union did not have enough support to call for a union representation election.

In a 90-page appeal filed with the board this week, George Diamantopoulos, an attorney for the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association, alleges that board investigator Eileen Hennessey failed to investigate or challenge at least 2,000 former or current American employees who are ineligible to vote in a representation election.

"The investigator's rulings do not detail explicitly what evidence was considered among the voluminous submission of evidence in this dispute, especially by AMFA (easily 4,000-plus pages, excluding documentation submitted in the form of computer disks), other than to indicate the obvious prominence in the investigator's thinking
of AA's response to the challenges and objections posed," Diamantopoulos writes in AMFA's appeal.

"In the course of reviewing this appeal, AMFA asks this board to keep in its mind the cursory nature of the investigator's rulings and the virtually complete disregard of AMFA's significant substantive evidence by the investigator in formulating those rulings."

Hennessey determined that 18,661 American Airlines employees are classified as mechanics and are eligible to vote in a union representation election. AMFA needed signed authorization cards from 50 percent plus one -- or 9,331 -- mechanics to hold an election.

The incumbent Transport Workers Union has represented American mechanics since 1946.

AMFA officers said they submitted 9,274 signed cards to the National Mediation Board -- 57 cards short of the 50 percent plus one number, based on Hennessey's ruling.

But AMFA supporters say Hennessey's list is inflated. AMFA's eligibility list contains the names of 16,014 mechanics eligible to vote.

American's eligibility list contains 18,600 names, a company spokesman said. The TWU's list includes 18,400 names, a union official said.

"The injustice is to deny the mechanics and related employees at American an election before the board in this case by perpetrating the fraud of the absence of a showing of interest by means of an artificial inflation of the eligibility list by add ing demonstrably ineligible voters and by failing to remove demonstrably ineligible voters," Diamantopoulos says in his appeal.

"Both AA and the TWU have done their utmost to elevate the number of purported eligible voters to numbers that defy reason and board precedent. . . . Unfortunately, the board's investigator, who serves as the initial gatekeeper to prevent this kind of injustice and fraud, through many of the investigator's rulings, either intentionally or through extreme carelessness in not caring to review, or by ignoring AMFA's significant and substantial evidence . . . perpetuates the fabrication that the eligible number of voters in this dispute is as many as 18,661.

"AMFA appeals to this board to rectify and overrule the numerous and substantial errors within the investigator's rulings as set forth herein and thereby uphold not only the rights of the mechanics and related employees at American under the Railway Labor Act but also the reputation and integrity of the board."

American spokesman Sonja Whitemon said the company and the TWU have until Aug. 5 to respond to AMFA's appeal. She declined further comment.

Rick Mullings, spokesman for TWU Local 514, which represents more than 6,000 aircraft mechanics in Tulsa, said AMFA's mistake is believing that its definition of a mechanic is the same as the board's.

"There are people in all different title groups that could fall under the class and craft of mechanics," Mullings said. "The investigator and the board are only going by the National Mediation Board's definition of mechanic when it comes to a representation election."

Rick mullins must think even the deceased should be albe to vote.
1. The ineligibility of 24 retired employees, Attachment B to Investigator’s Rulings;
2. The ineligibility of 20 employees, who have resigned, Attachment C to Investigator’s Rulings;
3. The ineligibility of 144 Fleet Service Clerks, Attachment E to Investigator’s Rulings;
4. The ineligibility of 89 former employees laid-off while on probation without any recall rights, Attachment F to Investigator’s Rulings (AMFA’s Exhibit E – Probationary Layoff –No Recall Rights), (AA’s Exhibit E – Employees laid off from probation);
5. The ineligibility of 4 Management Employees, Attachment G to Investigator’s Rulings;
6. The ineligibility of 1 Former TWA Employee Without an Employer-Employee Relationship With AA And Without Recall Rights, Attachment H to Investigator’s Rulings;
7. The ineligibility of 24 Former Employees Working At Other Airlines, Attachment I to Investigator’s Rulings;
8. The ineligibility of 25 Furloughed Employees Who Have Waived/Declined Recall, Attachment K to Investigator’s Rulings;
9. The ineligibility of 1 Employee Working Outside the Craft or Class, Attachment L to Investigator’s Rulings;
10. The ineligibility of 1 Terminated Employee, Attachment M to Investigator’s Rulings;
11. The ineligibility of 249 Fleet Service Fuelers, Attachment N to Investigator’s Rulings, (AMFA’s Exhibit M – Fleet Service Fueler), (AA’s Exhibit M – Fleet Service Clerk/Fuelers), (AA’s Addendum to Exhibit M, Fuelers);
12. The ineligibility of 366 Cleaners and 149 Janitors, (AMFA’s Schaible (2) Decl. and Schaible (3) Decl);
13. The ineligibility of 244 Miscellaneous Other Exclusions contained within Declarations accompanying AMFA’s April 22, 2004 Challenges and Objections, which were not considered in the Rulings,
a. The ineligibility of 10 additional retired employees not considered in the Rulings,
b. The ineligibility of 104 additional employees who have resigned not considered in the Rulings,
c. The ineligibility of 4 additional Fleet Service Clerks not considered in the Rulings,
d. The ineligibility of 6 additional former employees laid-off while on probation without any recall rights not considered in the Rulings,
e. The ineligibility of 5 additional management employees not considered in the Rulings,
f. The ineligibility of 21 additional Former TWA Employees Without an Employer-Employee Relationship With AA And Without Recall Rights not considered in the Rulings,
g. The ineligibility of 12 additional Former Employees Working At Other Airlines not considered in the Rulings,
h. The ineligibility of 3 additional Deceased Employees not considered in the Rulings,
i. The ineligibility of 65 additional Furloughed Employees Who Have Waived/Declined Recall not considered in the Rulings,
j. The ineligibility of 7 additional Terminated Employee not considered in the Rulings,
k. The ineligibility of 8 additional miscellaneous individuals ineligible for various reasons and not considered in the Rulings.
14. The ineligibility of 1,167 Cabin Cleaning and Lavatory Service Personnel, Attachment O to Investigator’s Rulings,
a. 15 duplicates not removed from Attachment O,
b. 2 additional duplicates not removed from Attachment O,
c. 28 names on eligibility list not removed from Attachment O,
d. 2 names removed from Attachment O but not removed from eligibility list,
e. Double counting of 14 individuals alleged to be Cabin Cleaning and Lavatory Service Personnel who have been counted as Fuelers,
f. 5 ineligible AA employees should not have been added to the AA eligibility list,
g. 1,167 Ineligible Fleet Service Clerks.
15. The ineligibility of 21 Former TWA Furloughees, Attachment P to Investigator’s Rulings;
16. The ineligibility of 46 Individuals from AMFA’s May 24, 2004 Submission, Exhibit “O†entitled “AA Eligibility List – TWA Exhibit D – Additional Info Acquired From,†not considered in the Rulings;
17. The ineligibility of 36 additional retired employees from Flagship News not considered in the Rulings;
18. The ineligibility of 150 additional TWA employees Not on TWU’ Exhibit D and therefore without contractual recall rights, not considered in the Rulings;
TWU/AA has recently found even more people to add to the list of Mechanics+Related at AA. People are just dying to vote in this election!
.....and AMFA sends it's best to dispute the numbers....
hey SCAB rusty how come you didn't post the pix?
you amfa(PUKE) SCABS don't like it???? 😀

i reaalllly liked the pix 😛 & REALLY liked the BUTTON the guy is wearing :lol:
O yeah it's a GOOOOOOOOOD one..... "no amfa" (PUKE)
NO VOTE!!!!!!!!!


nightwatch, you crack me up :lol: i mean you come up with some good ones :up:
i love the pix. ya know when you read these posts you try to picture what these SCABS look like & thanx to you i know what hackman looks like :lol:
the princeAS_ sent a pix of herself & we we have the 3 diaper dandies (but be careful "BUCK" will turn you in) 🙁 keep it up !!!!!
scab scraper said:
hey SCAB rusty how come you didn't post the pix?
you amfa(PUKE) SCABS don't like it???? 😀

i reaalllly liked the pix 😛 & REALLY liked the BUTTON the guy is wearing :lol:
O yeah it's a GOOOOOOOOOD one..... "no amfa" (PUKE)
NO VOTE!!!!!!!!!


nightwatch, you crack me up :lol: i mean you come up with some good ones :up:
i love the pix. ya know when you read these posts you try to picture what these SCABS look like & thanx to you i know what hackman looks like :lol:
the princeAS_ sent a pix of herself & we we have the 3 diaper dandies (but be careful "BUCK" will turn you in) 🙁 keep it up !!!!!
scabies, since you have no clue what a scab is, perhaps you can look up your new found name!!! :shock: LMAO Have a nice day!!!
Scab Scraper,

You obviously are from the shallow end of the gene pool. Your posts reek of ignorance and stupidity. You talk pretty tough on this BB; however, if you were put out on the line, I really doubt you would have the stones to spout off the way you do here. The few TWU hold outs at line stations pretty much keep to themselves. They know there is very little to be proud of from the TWU. Slowly but surely the same thing is happening in Tulsa. More and more Tulsa Mech and related are getting the true story and signing AMFA auth cards. Good god, after reading the recent 90 page detailed document the AMFA submitted to the NMB - no person in their right mind could deny the deceit perpetuated by the TWU as well as AA. You must hold some cushy union position, because there is no logical reason for the every day mech and related at AA to support the TWU. You are a self serving POS using the union membership for your own gains. People like you are a disgrace!
vortilon, i think you put a good description to the scab scraper but prepare yourself for a childish tongue lashing.
local 12 proud said:
vortilon, i think you put a good description to the scab scraper but prepare yourself for a childish tongue lashing.
I bet vortilon gets the TWU slogan, the t-shirt, the infant picture, and a cartoon treatment all in one post.

OH MY, I hope I never have to suffer such a ruthless winning attack.