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Uals Business Partner Survival?

UAL777fan, I know that you do not intend any malice, but I think it's best to not publicly discuss the possibility of an airline selling their assets to UAL or any other airline. In deference to the employees affected, this topic is best discussed in private.
Tell me how UA could possibly make a convincing case to the bankruptcy court to pursue US assets, should they become available, when there are still numerous outstanding items in the way of exiting Ch. 11 by mid-year? Granted, some of those assets would be a nice, strategic fit into UA's network, but it's a distraction that UA does not need at this time. All their focus and energy should be on finishing up the 1110 process and other lease renegotiations, settling the pension issue, and announcing a deal to replace ACA at IAD, and then shoring up the business plan. As we have seen, bigger is not necessarily better. UA has been doing the necessary things to claw its way back to the top, albeit slowly. Hopefully, their efforts will bear fruit once we emerge from Ch.11. To sidestep those efforts in an attempt to win a likely bidding war for US assets would be a throwback to the Goodwin era in my view. Once bitten, twice shy. UA already has the network/assets it needs to get back on top. Stay the course and let someone else throw millions at those assets when there is no guarantee of an industry recovery.

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