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Uals Business Partner Dead Man Walking

FACT Usairways has the loan ! Fact Ual has been unable to get the loan. Fact Usairways entered and exited Bk Ual is in Bk has delayed a few times exiting bk and still in it.. Fact Us had and has Financial backing, Ual doesnt have it yet . Just the facts ?
FACT Usairways has a loan (speculation...which is why they are still in existence)

FACT UAL doesn't have a loan(speculation..yet)

FACT USairways entered and exited BK(speculation...which they left prematurely)

FACT UAL is in BKand has delayed exit(speculation....so they don't end up like USairways)

FACT USairways had and has financial backing(speculation....if that's what you call it)

FACT UAL does have backing contingent upon successfully obtaining ATSB loan (speculation....which they'll recieve at a higher interest rate without backing)

FACT USairways has asked for "give backs" 3 times (speculation..more on the way)

FACT UAL flys 747's and a certain pilot doesn't!! :lol:

Fact is, we are ALL in a crappy situation, so what if you opinion is: that your "crappy situation" is better than mine. Considering that you think your situation IS better over at US than over here at UAL, than I'm happy that you're happy. But (now this is total SPECULATION) from the looks of these boards, the employees at USAir seem a little more scared and nervous then their brethren over at UAL. Kool-Ade or a Fact? We shall all know the ending soon enough.
amazing how facts are twisted to fit ones own needs. I was responding to the thread opener. The stone was cast there talk to them ! What i just posted was a fact not speculation. I will not argue with your dfinition of fact.
usfliboi said:
Fact Ual has been unable to get the loan.
Really? How do you know that they have been unable? We all know they have not gotten the loan. I haven't had pizza today, but that doesn't mean I'm unable to.

But, yes, the rest were facts. Much better, thanks!
Good work mweiss! I am always reluctant to step into the fray but it was time someone spelled out those small triffling details such as the difference between conjecture and prediction, facts and opinions, imply and infer, etc.. Now if we could only make progress on the phrase 'GECAS could care less.' To me, this implies that it is possible for GECAS to care even less than they do at present! There seems to be a certain captain who repeatedly hoists himself on his own petard in attempting to employ words and phrases from the English language and the GECAS example was one that left me confused. Now if we just could crack the code on what "When is now?" means we would be ahead at the post. Perhaps Mr. Proust could be of help with that one. Calling Mr. Proust. Monsieur Proust, are you in the library?
Ahh, yes. "Could care less" is one of my pet peeves, along with "ATM machine." Since we're supposed to stay away from spelling and grammar, I let them slide. But they sure induce cringes.
mweiss wrote: "Since we're supposed to stay away from spelling and grammar, I let them slide"

Yes. However, I put forth to you the story of Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli and his opponent W. Gladstone. One day an aide came to Mr. Disraeli and asked him, "Sir, I am struggling with the choice of a word. I do not know whether to use the word 'calamity' or 'catastrophe.' Well, said the PM, let me give you an example. Say for instance that Mr. Gladstone were to fall into the Thames. Now that would indeed be a calamity. If however, one were to rescue him, that would be very much a catastrophe!"
We had this very difficulty not long past when after a lengthy record of vile and debasing remarks, a certain arch opponent of United suddenly stated that he was 'sanguine' about the prospects of said company's survival! So, while we are certainly not here to pick the nits of each other's spelling and grammar, words do indeed have meaning B)
Ukridge said:
...a certain arch opponent of United suddenly stated that he was 'sanguine' about the prospects of said company's survival!
Bloody hell! :lol:
As long as UA and U are breathing, they are not dead! And the more UA an U employees beat each other up they can't get their minds focused on how to get out of the trouble.
My personal pet peeve: How come......? Why is "why" so hard to say?

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