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I was simply using myself as an example when I said that. I thought that may be blatantly obvious, but I guess not. Where in Gods name did you come up with the idea that I was a pilot. You sure make a lot of assumptions with little facts.
Sorry, G2, must have you confused with someone else. You're based in DEN, so tell me then, what principal role did you play in the development of an IAM bizplan proposal to TWA that could leave you vulnerable to a lawsuit?

I'm irritated with those who continue to post that TWA had a prayer of surviving as an independent carrier.

Your post was BS IMO, that's all. If you disagree, then explain why it isn't.
On 9/21/2002 10:54:39 AM Rhino wrote:

Neither you (line pilot) nor Avek (college student/congressional intern) have any propietary/first hand knowledge of what 'went down,' as neither of you were/are principals in this deal (IAM's alleged business plan offer to TWA).

However, I WAS involved in the deal, I DO know of the IAM plan and I'm NOT at liberty to discuss it. I also know for a fact that neither avek00 nor GGPillow know anything more about the plan that was provided to various media sources. So stop beating a dead horse.

Rhino, seriously, please give it a rest. You are getting just as annoying as SomeCautionAndModeration did during the actual deal last year.
Whatever IAM concessions would have been made to TWA have absolutely nothing to with a BUSINESS PLAN the IAM DID NOT propose that would have made TWA profitable (short of offering to do all maintenance for free). Your assertion that you could be sued for disclosing a non-existant BUSINESS PLAN is silly.
Thanks for not wasting any more of my time, as well. AS always, we're fair and balanced here, so I'll give you the last word. Even though you live in Canada, which makes your assertions highly doubtful at best. Down here it's put up or shut up.

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