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UAL Confirms Hiring Consultant Known for Bankruptcy Work

On 9/14/2002 7:18:19 AM JFK Fleet Service wrote:

Oh wait, you guys don't have a UAL fetish do you? US Airways perhaps? [/blockquote]

We decided to leave US Airways for Emil Bernard and then just codeshare with him later!
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR][BR]----------------[BR]avek00 wrote:[BR][BR][BR]JAG has decided to wait until next year when AMR's assets are up for sale and get TWA that way.
Can someone please explain to me in the KISS format what exactly all this talk regarding AA/TWA has to do wtih UAL. Thanks!!
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 9/15/2002 2:22:34 AM bigJ wrote: [BR][BR]Can someone please explain to me in the KISS format what exactly all this talk regarding AA/TWA has to do wtih UAL.  Thanks!![BR][BR]----------------[BR][BR][BR][BR]Hi BigJ,[BR][BR]You ask a somewhat complicated question, but I'll try to furnish you with some answers. Keep in mind that a lot of what I say is hypothetical at best.[BR][BR]First, the discussion is relevant to UAL because we're talking about other bankrupt carriers, what transpired during their bankruptcy and what ultimately became of them. Since UAL seems headed for bankruptcy, the experiences of other airlines who have been there is germain. No need to reinvent the wheel here. You can predict the fate of UAL by looking at historical patterns. [BR][BR]Second, the discussion about JAG (Jet Acquisitions Group) has to do with the fact that JAG attempted to bid against AA for the assets of TWA in bankruptcy court. The Air India B747-437B and Mr. Vitale were both associated with JAG. My previous comments about the law firm that AA used come into play here, in that regardless of how anyone views JAG and their credibility, in my view they were effectively locked out by the skillful AA lawyers, though they did play a role in causing AA to pay more money for TWA then they had originally bid. Mr. Bernard was a third party who also attempted a bid. IIRC, he owns an airline called Global, which has no aircraft and operates no flights.
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I totally agree the conversation is relevant to UAL. I just desired more info because posts were made regarding AA/TWA that I didn't understand (the ole' inside joke thing).
Who are the players at JAG? .Extrapolating out further, and playing out some scenarios....what is Gangwal (sp?) doing, and Marvin Davis, and (gasp) Lorenzo? How about Greg Brennaman (sp? once again) and Ornstein?
Inquiring minds want to know.
For the record, the entity knows as JAG has absolutely no interest in UAL or its assets. In fact, apart from Albert Vitale who I spoke with a few hours ago, I don't even know where half the folks involved with that deal are today.
Hey, Avek. You must have missed the 3 posts I directed at you.

I'll try again. What biz plan did the IAM propose that would have saved TWA?
Last time I'm bringing this up for Avek. Answer the question, explain why you can't/won't, or depart the fix.
Rhino, I would assume this comment may give you some insight as to why this has not been brought out into the open. Certainly don't mean to speak for avek00, but the words below seem to indicate, that you are fishing for something you are not going to catch.

On 9/14/2002 2:16:28 AM B747-437B wrote:

As for the IAM plan for TWA, avek doesn't know the details of it, and those who do are bound by NCNDA's which last until its no longer relevant, so why bother discussing this subject to death?

GG, avek was a congressional intern who claimed knowledge. On the PB boards he exposed himself as a TWA stockholder ($50?) who opposed the TWA bankruptcy and subsequent AA acquisition. Then here he starts asserting things that are utter nonsense, IMO. I agree he's a waste of gravity.
On 9/20/2002 1:41:11 AM Rhino wrote:

GG, avek was a congressional intern who claimed knowledge. On the PB boards he exposed himself as a TWA stockholder ($50?) who opposed the TWA bankruptcy and subsequent AA acquisition. Then here he starts asserting things that are utter nonsense, IMO. I agree he's a waste of gravity.

Just to clarify, I did not speak for avek, was just pointing out, that those who know what went down are not able to speak of it or face lawsuits anyways, so, he may very well know something, hell, I may know something, but my point is it's not something that could be brought to light.
Good day.
Avek, I guess that just about spells out IAM's business plan that would have turned TWA around. Great post.
BS? Look, I tried to be helpful, tried being nice, tried being logical. If you refuse to accept that you don't know all their is to know, I don't particularly care.

I never called AVEK a waste of gravity, so why would you agree with me that he is? I tried to subtlely tell you not to put words in my mouth, but, apparantly, it was still a lil fast for you.

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