Uair Stock Price

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Usair320pilot, Can you ever just make a post that is factual ? You always have to give everyone your opion.Frankly it is getting old! You are not the god of these boards.You are not the god of ALPA or THE IAM or any other union at USAIR.IMO you are an egotiscal person who loves taunting and making opthers feel less than you.BUT as the Lark said people are laughing at you including myself and you don't even know it.....Do me one favor Give me a fact,Do you understand what that is? Disrespectfully yours...............Jetlaagd!
USA320Pilot said:

By the way, can you tell us in less than 8 minutes what your 25-year crack vet said about the effect NYMEX energy futures had UAIR's prive move when the contracts closed today at an all time high?

With all due respect, was it bullish or bearish?

By the way, who issued the marriage license and is your husband still employed trading? I think Live Charts Plus for $19.95 would be a good product for him.


Dear Pilot --

He has gone to bed because he has to get up and take calls from Britain and Japan in a few hours.

I did call into him and he said, no free advice for the pilot. He claims to be so smart tell him to figure it out for himself.

Who issued the marriage license? Perhaps that is a crack at the fact that I may be a gay man?! You freaking bigot. I'm 100% born and bred female. You are so outed. I will NEVER respond to anything you have to say ever again. You are a cretin and a jerk and if I lose my rights to post here because I've outed you as the bigot you are, then it was well worth it.

You Homophobe.
fatherabraham said:

When your done sparring with Chip, ask your hubby to comment on Uair.
Dead cat bounce does not seem appropriate with a volume of 3mil today and high volme for 3 consec. days.

Thanks in advance
father --

I'll PM you tomorrow when I've had a chance to call him at work for a real analysis. It would be my pleasure.

Are you a little sensitive or have you been exposed behind your monitor?

By the way, if you husband is trading in overseas markets here's another recommendation for your 25-year vet:

See Story

or another one:

See Story



Father said: "Dead cat bounce does not seem appropriate with a volume of 3mil today and high volme for 3 consec. days"

USA320Pilot comments: Father, from a technical perspective a "Dead Cat Bounce" is a temporary recovery from a prolonged decline or bear market, after which the security continues to fall.

Well the UAIR decline has not be long and sistained because it's a new listing on the NASDAQ. There always tends to be a lot of talk about "investor capitulation" when a security continue to fall, but what is really meant by capitulation in Wall Street terms?

In Wall Street the term refers to the time when investors (all of them), which really doesn't excist in UAIr because there are so few owners of the stock, sell all their stock because they simply want out. The sole motivation for trading is to get out of the market and seek shelter.

With UAIR a new NASDAQ security listing, with little real activity except for employee retail volume (until this week), it is unlikely there is enough sentiment to have a "Dead Cat Bounce" because there are very few investors, on a relative basis, that own the security.

No, today we likely saw the stock under accumulation by speculators who are betting there will be TA's between labor and management in the not-so-distant future.


Oy. 320, you really gotta know how to quit when you're behind. And in this thread you're waaaaaay behind.

Just so you understand, the stuff you read on Marketwatch is a far cry from the truly useful understanding of the market. I wouldn't want a Wall Streeter flying me around in a 'Bus. Similarly, I sure wouldn't take financial advice from you.

And, lest anyone else fail to point it out, I do see the irony in my above comments. :bleh:
I just got home from Atlantic City and I heard edited side several times at the Craps Tables...........LOSER 7 out, line away, pay the Don't.
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