UA transfers its two DAL (Love Field) gates to Southwest; Is DL out?

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WorldTraveler said:
I'm not sure it is valid to say that VX has low yields.
I believe that it's perfectly valid to say that VX is a low-yield airline. In 2014, VX had a systemwide yield of 13.19 cents, far below Southwest or jetBlue. And miles behind DL or AA, both of which had yields over 17 cents. Since the day it took flight, VX has attracted crap yields. They've increased since day one, but they haven't increased enough.

WorldTraveler said:
when they operated from DFW, they had average fares to LAX that were within a couple dollars of AA's and right on par with UA. To SFO, they were about 10% less than AA.
I'm too lazy to look, but I'm skeptical, given that you provided no numbers to check your math.

WorldTraveler said:
however, VX' LFs consistently have run 12-15 points below any other competitors; that was true at DFW and it appears to be coming true again at DAL.
In 2014, VX had a systemwide load factor of 82.3%, couple of points behind DL at 84.7 and slightly better than AA at 82.0%. Overall load factors at VX are respectable. Problem is that on no routes does VX earn high yields, and at Dallas, its yields and LF are bad.

It will be nice when VX finally goes out of business. Couldn't happen to a nicer a-hole than Richard Branson.
On a stage length adjusted basis, VX' yields are probably not as far off as you think. Most of VX' network is longhaul domestic.

VX does get competitive fares in most of their markets so I find it hard to say they are low yield.

Their problem is that their network model is point to point in an industry that is hub and spoke, even among low fare carriers.

you should look up the data yourself. If you don't believe me here, I'm not sure that me posting numbers is going to convince you.

VX' business model was flawed from the day it began and mirrors Virgin Atlantic. Difference is that VS' success of late has come because they have plugged into DL's hub and spoke system and disproportionately shifted capacity to DL's hubs and away from point to point destinations, esp. to Asia. VX is in the same boat but there doesn't appear to be any fix.

jumping into DAL-AUS just after doing their IPO seems to be an attempt by VX to leave investors holding the bag for VX' strategic mistakes.
eolesen said:
Unfortunately, it appears to be a combination of both empty planes and crap yields.
I would have to agree with you E.
I do know it was recently released thru letters sent to the employees homes that DAL LF for SWA is in the 90% plus range.  Before W/A going away I believe SWA was more like 75-80% if not even less than that.  A big change came once the restrictions were lifted.  If VX doesn't get some good summer time numbers maybe they will rethink going back to DFW and free up some gates for other airlines at DAL.  Or they might consolidate the flights they have now into 1.5 or even 1 gate then Delta could use the other 1/2 gate or even full gate from VX.  Here we are in April, should be hearing something soon I suppose...
swamt said:
  If VX doesn't get some good summer time numbers maybe they will rethink going back to DFW and free up some gates for other airlines at DAL.  Or they might consolidate the flights they have now into 1.5 or even 1 gate then Delta could use the other 1/2 gate or even full gate from VX.  Here we are in April, should be hearing something soon I suppose...
Would B6 ever consider moving from DFW to DAL (and expanding service) if the opportunity was there?  I think the only destination B6 serves from DFW is BOS.
I always thought DAL would have been a better place for B6 to operate, but they didn't even apply.
B6 doesn't operate anywhere close to the number of flights necessary to fill up two gates and they are smart enough to realize that they are better off competing with a higher cost airline at DFW than a lower cost one at DAL, the opposite of what VX believed.
FrugalFlyerv2.0 said:
Would B6 ever consider moving from DFW to DAL (and expanding service) if the opportunity was there?  I think the only destination B6 serves from DFW is BOS.
Not sure FF2.0. I honestly thought that B6 or Spirit would of been the LCC applying for the 2 gates at DAL when they came up.  I even thought maybe another LCC would have applied.  But it appears they did not.  Delta applied, but they are not an LCC which was one of the main items to be able to apply, so they (Delta) was pushed to the side.  Question now remains if they will be pushed aside again and out of DAL Love Field.  We will find out soon as we await the final decision by the courts that SWA filed for not Delta...
DL will be at DAL and WN will be blocked from further gate access as long as there are carriers that want to serve DAL. WN's domination of the DAL market far exceeded what is allowed and the legal background of DAL permit some of it - 16 gates - but WN and DAL will have no protection for anything about that and DL if no other carrier will fight to continue to ensure DL has a big enough seat at the DAL table while limiting WN's ability to kick every other carrier out of the market which is exactly what WN wants.

as much as some people fail to accept or understand it, DL is the only carrier that has been able to stand up to WN at DAL and has the resources to stand up to them.

No other LCC or ULCC wants to try to compete against DAL on its home turf. AA didn't think WN would have much effect on AA's DFW operation and have realized that people like me were right that WN would be a significant threat to AA's DFW operation - but only after AA signed away its right to serve DAL. UA walked away.

DL is and will be the only airline that will keep fighting for the right to serve the DAL market with as much capacity as DL can put at DAL.
and you know this to be a FACT BEFORE the decision is to be made   wow  it must be truly pathetically sad to be you  You NEED PROFESSIONAL HELP
Yep, I guarantee it. and I don't need professional help to know that I will be right.

whether you grasp it or not.

You will need more than professional help to admit down the road that I right, just as I was about WN in ATL.
Since when did they have the hearing??  since when was the ruling made final?   As far as REALITY goes  neither has happened   SO NO YOU DO NOT KNOW IT ALL    And since there has been no ruling as of today I will not accept your answer bec the REALITY of the FACT is  You are not the judge, jury, or executioner   You DO Not Know what the final out come is    You are truly one pathetic POS who truly needs help
I can tell you now that WN will not succeed at kicking DL out of DAL or gaining any more gates while DL is left asking to even stay There doesn't need to be a hearing to know I will be right on that
this is being discussed on the WN forum but the basic gist is that DL and the DOT appear to believe that DL has the right to remain at DAL under federal airport access laws while WN believes that the DOT does not have the right to restrict WN's leases to accommodate another airline.
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