airport access rules aren't a necessary tool for carriers that already hold a lease and use their gates. Airport access rules have been the point of discussion for years and they don't negate leases that carriers do have AS LONG AS those carriers are fully using their gates. But WN's strategy was to either sit on the gates they held with the intention of loading up those gates later and acquire additional gates and then fill them up after they were acquired.
The DOT rules specifically state that airports where non-leaseholding carriers want to expand must accommodate those carriers unless all gates are being fully utilized. DOT didn't even address the issue of antitrust law but indicated it could be a problem because of the extraordinarily high percentage of gates that WN occupies at DAL and its approval to acquire additional gates even while shutting out other carriers.
On both counts, WN would have lost the ability to push DL out but the first is all that had to be proven.
If a judge knew that DL was wrong and WN was right, he would not have allowed DL to stay even temporarily and also affirm DL's right to add flights even during the interim period.
The only beating is coming from those who think they can corner me to fail to admit that I was wrong all along about the whole DAL access issue despite literally hundreds of pages from people who have tried every which way to Sunday to argue that DL would be kicked out, could take its planes elsewhere including DFW, and WN should or would be free to add as many flights as it wants to fill up 18 of 20 gates at DAL.
The better part of valor, esp. from those who are preoccupied with how much I post on here - would be to walk away from the topic, wait for a final ruling that will almost certainly affirm that DL has the right to operate not only its 5 flights but also its expanded schedule, and see what protections WN is required to offer DL to ensure that both airlines can operate a reliable schedule from DAL given the high gate utilization that DAL will see. and of course we will also see how long it takes for VX to reduce its own schedule.
or we can keep beating a subject that some have tried to keep alive for 18 months thinking they knew more than the DOT and someone who has studied and worked in such areas... but people on here weren't about to admit that....
The answer to thread title is, "NO, DL is not out of DAL, but a whole lot of people here can't admit they were wrong and their personal war of vengeance to try to prove me wrong has failed. Again."
Focus on the topic and leave personal issues to the side and the board might actually be a place for the exchange of ideas than a place to beat people up.
and you and others have repeatedly tried to argue that DAL is special and EXEMPT from complying with all other rules.
It is not.
There is nothing in the WARA that exempts DAL or WN from antitrust laws or from airport access rules.
WN acquired gates beyond what is protected in WARA and then sat on first the 16 and now 2 more even while repeatedly telling DL that it didn't have space to accommodate DL.
Feel free to cling to your viewpoint. If the judge knew that DL and the DOT was wrong, there would have been no extension of DL's lease as long as it takes to come up with a final ruling, let alone for DL to have the right to expand up to its expanded schedule that it asked for under its accommodation request.
I'm betting that the DOT's lawyers are a whole lot more knowledgeable of what DAL is required to do than WN that wants to eliminate all competition from its HDQ airport and you, who simply parrot whatever you can in order to try to get revenge for me pointing out the obvious on one subject after another.
again, how about we wait for the final ruling but it is highly unlikely that the judge is going to reverse course and DL will be kicked out of DAL.
SWA very confident in this article pointing out 3% growth for 2015 to come at Dal Love Field. 2% at LGA and DCA, and 1% growth in the international markets. This originally was going to be 7-9% growth but SWA throttled back a bit after investors disliked that amount of growth at once...