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U.S. House looking deeper into maintenance outsourcing

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That logic applies to executives. so it's only fair that it applies to lowly mechanics.

Fairness hasn't a thing to do with the modern business practices taught in MBA curricula.

All tha matters is increasing the amount of one's swag and steeping on whoever necessary to accomplish same.

I've been willing to go by a "Live and let live" policy with regard to the mismanagement team as have many others for far too many years. The policy of many is now becoming one of "Scorched Earth" - that's fine too.
I've been willing to go by a "Live and let live" policy with regard to the mismanagement team as have many others for far too many years. The policy of many is now becoming one of "Scorched Earth" - that's fine too.

Same for me......But as long as "we" are still sharing the pain and "they" are sharing the gain.....so be it...
Consolidation without proper regulatory management leads to bubbles that burst.

Steel, IT, Banking, Insurance, Finance, and, the Airline Industry are all examples of a lack of informed oversight which allowed the productive heartland to be laid waste by the nano-second MBA Class concerned with immediate return.

Outsourcing is another bubble ready for an explosion as a political shift among the electorate begins to question the massive bailout for those firms that abandoned the American Worker.

American Firms want an expansion of visas for foreigners to be allowed to come to America because American firms created a need for those workers by exporting those same jobs in the quest for near term higher returns on investment: because their decisions were never placed under regulatory scrutiny with a decision matrix that placed the security of the American Worker at the core of the needed protections.

It is the ultimate self-fulfilling prophecy:
1) We can't get workers because no one is trained to do the work because we outsourced that work overseas in search of higher profits;
2) We need the Illegal Immigrants because they do work that we devalued by hiring Illegal Immigrants;
3) We cannot allow the free markets to be hindered by excessive government regulation: until our by the second demand for ROI gets shafted by our inability to produce that ROI;
4) We have to have government regulation because there are too many players that are profiting from our mistakes;
5) We should be compensated for poor business decisions because the government gave us a tax break if we made them;
6) We are Americans, we are the Worlds' beacon of free trade: until we screw it up, then we really need government to step in and save us from the 13% of Americans that are Union Members.

Continue to outsource the only form of mass transportation that cannot simply stop when they have a problem: while refusing to measure the services performed outside the country the same way they are measured inside the country.

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