AA likes to have control over their maintenance. They want to know when that plane is getting out of the barn. They don't want to have other companies holding their asssets. AA likes having control. We know they don't care about our jobs.Ask yourself this question...Do you think AA chooses to keep most of its maintenance work in house just to preserve jobs? Do you think it's possible that AA does most work at home because the 2003 concessions which are still in full force have made it cost advantageous to do so?
Don't get me wrong, I like the fact AA has chosen this path, but I truly doubt they do so just to save jobs. AA, like any other corporation's main responsibility is to make money for itself and shareholders.
Look at UAL...Filed for bankruptcy protection. They raped employees beyond belief and shed thousands upon thousands of jobs. They send they work over seas......And they've been losing billions since.