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Twu Rebuttle To List


The TWU has sold the wagon,horses,farm,tractor,plow,haybailer,etc. over the last 20+years :down: . When AMFA wins the upcoming election :up: , there won't be anything left to sell because the "YANKEE" TWU gave it all away :shock: . Most of us didn't expect to get wealthy punching a clock,but we didn't expect to be living in poverty ,because of the EVIL TWU working for the company!

j7915, you're right we're all in the same boat! Only problem is the boat's name is TITANIC,and the captain's name is JOSEPH HAZELWOOD!
Since you guys are arguing and complaining about who AMFA thinks should and shouldn’t be listed in the craft and class, I thought you should see what classifications are agreed to by AMFA in the Alaska contract as the craft and class. I’ll attempt to relay the info as accurately as possible but if there are any questions, look at the (Alaska) contract on the AMFA national website.

Article 1, Purpose of Agreement

“The Company recognizes the employees covered by this Agreement to be highly skilled individualsâ€.

Article 2, Scope of Agreement

“In accordance with the National Mediation Board certification in case No. R-6572, March 30, 1998, the Company recognizes the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association as the sole bargaining agent for all employees of Alaska Airlines, Incorporated, composing the craft and class as covered under this agreementâ€.

Article 4, Classification of work

A. Lead Inspector
B. Inspector
C. Lead (job function)
D. Lead Aircraft Technician
E. Lead Avionics Technician
F. Lead Automotive Technician
G. Lead Facilities Technician
H. Lead Aircraft Machinist
I. Technician (job function)
1. Aircraft Technician
2. Avionics Technician
3. Facilities Technician
4. Automotive Technicians
5. Aircraft Machinist
J. Lead fleet service
K. Fleet Service (“ It is understood by the parties that for the purposes of the NMB certification of this class and craft the word Fleet Service in synonymous with the word Cleaners.â€)
L. Janitor
M. Technician Helper
N. Supervisors

I think it’s interesting that at Alaska, AMFA agrees that classifications J, K, L, M and N belong in the craft and class, but for the purpose of American, AMFA argues against having these classifications added to the group.

So, what say you now hypocrits???!!!
If you were not so far out siwinging on the TWU Fruit Loop, you would understand that JOB and/or CLASSIFICATION NAME does not mean squat when it comes to the NMB Craft or Class Designation.

These names or identifiers are not the same work being accomplished from carrier to carrier.

Fleet Service at AA = Baggage Handler
Fleet Service at Alaska = Aircraft Cleaner

Parts Washer at AA = Cleans Parts
Technicians Helper at Alaska = Cleans Parts

Thus, the NMB rules on a case by case basis and the leading factor is perponderance of work done in an eight hour day, not job/classification name.


Only then will you understand what is happening right in front of you.

Reference Material:
AMFA at Alaska Contract - Read Artcile 4 - Classification descriptions
AMFA/ALASKA Contract - Click Here

I hope this answers your question twuer?
James T. Kirk said:
You know twuer the company had this same type of problem a few years ago, they terminated the person that stole the data and the emploiees that received the stolen data.
The question is what was done with the information? In this case is was given to the government, so it would probably fall under the Whistleblower Act.
Reply to i7915

What are you trying to sell here? The mechs lost half their sick pay, fleet service did not. So who are the better negotiators?

You are truly blind. :blink: That is my point. The twu negotiates in the best interest of Fleet Service. Not the AMT

The only thing the amts can do is watch the work being contracted out, which would not slow down the arline. Look at SWA, no overhaul and they are doing fine.

At least the SW mechanics are getting a decent wage.And remember grassshopper the twu and the company will farm out as much work as they want you have no say or any language in this pathetic contract to prevent them from doing otherwise. You think your job is safe with the twu you are living in a fantasy world.

Final point, if you don't care about anyone but yourself, just say so. If you punch a clock and expect to become wealthy then you are a bigger fool than the Pied Piper you are following.

If the inept, useless twu would produce a contract that had some merit I should never have to say NO but every contract they negotiate has concessions in one form or another.
I am not expecting to get wealthy especially after the raping we took. But I do expect a union to represent my best interests and not the interests of the non skilled AKA the majority AKA the better fleet service contract language.

You are a coward you hide behind an allias and you would settle for stale bread while the rampers ate cake. Grow a pair and stand up for what your worth. The way you carry on it sounds like you arent worth the paper you put your signature on. 😛
Decision 2004 said:
If you were not so far out siwinging on the TWU Fruit Loop, you would understand that JOB and/or CLASSIFICATION NAME does not mean squat when it comes to the NMB Craft or Class Designation.

These names or identifiers are not the same work being accomplished from carrier to carrier.

Fleet Service at AA = Baggage Handler
Fleet Service at Alaska = Aircraft Cleaner

Parts Washer at AA = Cleans Parts
Technicians Helper at Alaska = Cleans Parts

Thus, the NMB rules on a case by case basis and the leading factor is perponderance of work done in an eight hour day, not job/classification name.


Only then will you understand what is happening right in front of you.

Reference Material:
AMFA at Alaska Contract - Read Artcile 4 - Classification descriptions
AMFA/ALASKA Contract - Click Here

I hope this answers your question twuer?
Dave, Dave, Dave! You're so full of crap I can smell you from here!!

You are getting caught up in the classification names. The fact is at Alaska amfa agreed that so called "unskilled" employees ARE part of the craft and class (it is written in black and white in the contract language!!) and at AA amfa is singing a different song. Talking out both sides of your mouth Dave doesn't cut it with the NMB.....you can't have it one way at one airline and another way here at AA.

You claim to know so much about the NMB why don't you post your bar exam score or legal certificate showing your qualifications to make such ideological assumptions because you are making an a** of yourself Dave! Surely you have some type of degree, you're not just shooting your mouth off and being an arm-chair attorney are you??? I think you should stick to welding. By the way, have you done much of that lately???

I asked you this before and I don't think you answered but is your name on any of those documents?? I would think the way you portray such altrusitic behavior you would be smarter than that!!! It's obvious that you and your pack of legal experts aren't smart enough to present a list to the NMB that doesn't appear to be stolen. You orgnaizers have just jumped from the frying pan into the fire. I hear the company has started their internal investigation. I can't imagine it's gonna be too hard to figure out whose responsible when they see who signed on the dotted line.

You guys really took Seham for a ride this time. You provided a list from the Auto T/A system that was illegal to obtain and Seham probably had no idea what it was or where it came from. He didn't ask any questions, you didn't tell him any lies and he handed the document directly to the government!! And now you think that the aquisition of the list, although obtained illegally, is some type of noble quest for justice. You could have simply asked the company or the NMB for the information but instead you chose to obtain it under false pretense and now you pound your chest because you think you've accomplished something when in fact it's likely that you and your clan will be subject to not only company disciplinary action but legal litigation as well. Good luck with your circle of lies, may the biggest liar come out on top!!
twuer said:
Dave, Dave, Dave! You're so full of crap I can smell you from here!!

You are getting caught up in the classification names. The fact is at Alaska amfa agreed that so called "unskilled" employees ARE part of the craft and class (it is written in black and white in the contract language!!) and at AA amfa is singing a different song. Talking out both sides of your mouth Dave doesn't cut it with the NMB.....you can't have it one way at one airline and another way here at AA.

You claim to know so much about the NMB why don't you post your bar exam score or legal certificate showing your qualifications to make such ideological assumptions because you are making an a** of yourself Dave! Surely you have some type of degree, you're not just shooting your mouth off and being an arm-chair attorney are you??? I think you should stick to welding. By the way, have you done much of that lately???

I asked you this before and I don't think you answered but is your name on any of those documents?? I would think the way you portray such altrusitic behavior you would be smarter than that!!! It's obvious that you and your pack of legal experts aren't smart enough to present a list to the NMB that doesn't appear to be stolen. You orgnaizers have just jumped from the frying pan into the fire. I hear the company has started their internal investigation. I can't imagine it's gonna be too hard to figure out whose responsible when they see who signed on the dotted line.

You guys really took Seham for a ride this time. You provided a list from the Auto T/A system that was illegal to obtain and Seham probably had no idea what it was or where it came from. He didn't ask any questions, you didn't tell him any lies and he handed the document directly to the government!! And now you think that the aquisition of the list, although obtained illegally, is some type of noble quest for justice. You could have simply asked the company or the NMB for the information but instead you chose to obtain it under false pretense and now you pound your chest because you think you've accomplished something when in fact it's likely that you and your clan will be subject to not only company disciplinary action but legal litigation as well. Good luck with your circle of lies, may the biggest liar come out on top!!

Man, you are just digging yourself in with your rhetoric now aren't you twuer. GO READ THE CRAFT AND CLASS RULES ON PREPONDERANCE OF WORK. Jeeezzzz is that so hard for you to understand??? All you have to do is read it!!!
Rusty said:

Man, you are just digging yourself in with your rhetoric now aren't you twuer. GO READ THE CRAFT AND CLASS RULES ON PREPONDERANCE OF WORK. Jeeezzzz is that so hard for you to understand??? All you have to do is read it!!!
Actually Rusty, he would have to "comprehend" the NMB Manual in addition to "reading" it, thus we see the result of that requirement.

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