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Twu Leads The Way

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Rusty, Since you are a member of the TWU and the only way that will change is by AA going under or you leave the company. You and I along with the majority voted to accept the last contract. And it was held up in court. If you wish to change anything for our next contract than get involved. Long term survivalship depends on ALL of us! That does not mean taking more concessions. Working smarter does work! Their is a lot of waste going on, all you have to do is see it and take action to correct the situation.

If you have learned anything reading the INTERNET, is to see that our jobs are expendable and Airlines will not hesitate to eliminate them! Are you aware that AA had downsizing plans in place if Amfa was to get in? It was not a pretty picture with someone with a 1990 seniority date!
Nightwatch,Sep 22 2004, 11:50 AM]
AMFA didn't set the rate, the IBT did, though AMFA claims time and time again. BTW...if your AMFA is so skilled in "setting" the scale...what happened at SWA? Extend the contract for a full 3 years.

Ok, so the IBT "set the rate", but what good does that do for TWU members? The fact is the IBT called the TWU "inept" in their newsletter to members. We cant go to the IBT, or get rid of our "Inept" TWU leaders, so if you think the IBT is so great, vote for AMFA, then once we get it start an IBT drive! No matter how you look at it the TWU has to go!

The IBT must have done well for them.....you guys suck.

Well obviously not well enough because the mechanics voted them out! Maybe there is more to this than just the money? Maybe the mechanics wanted democracy and accountability?
Checking it Out said:
Rusty, Since you are a member of the TWU and the only way that will change is by AA going under or you leave the company. You and I along with the majority voted to accept the last contract. And it was held up in court. If you wish to change anything for our next contract than get involved. Long term survivalship depends on ALL of us! That does not mean taking more concessions. Working smarter does work! Their is a lot of waste going on, all you have to do is see it and take action to correct the situation.

If you have learned anything reading the INTERNET, is to see that our jobs are expendable and Airlines will not hesitate to eliminate them! Are you aware that AA had downsizing plans in place if Amfa was to get in? It was not a pretty picture with someone with a 1990 seniority date!

The only thing that was revealed in court was the fact that the membership does not have the right to vote on there contract and that chicken little can impose his will on the membership(without further ratification the membership is screwed by chicken little). You can tell alot of half truths and total lies here can't you cio. Can you proove this statement about downsizing or are you just talking out of your ass as usual. I thought the twu had the best scope language in the industry. We will see how fast the axe falls on KC now that this drive is over and when the axe falls there will be alot of people signing cards in KC. Last friday at 3PM management had a meeting here at AFW and they talked about taking over the Delta hangars at DFW. Why do you think that they want more hangar space down here? I'm sure it's because they are concerned about the people employed in KC!!!!!!!! RIGHT.
767 mechanic said:
The only thing that was revealed in court was the fact that the membership does not have the right to vote on there contract and that chicken little can impose his will on the membership(without further ratification the membership is screwed by chicken little). You can tell alot of half truths and total lies here can't you cio. Can you proove this statement about downsizing or are you just talking out of your ass as usual. I thought the twu had the best scope language in the industry. We will see how fast the axe falls on KC now that this drive is over and when the axe falls there will be alot of people signing cards in KC. Last friday at 3PM management had a meeting here at AFW and they talked about taking over the Delta hangars at DFW. Why do you think that they want more hangar space down here? I'm sure it's because they are concerned about the people employed in KC!!!!!!!! RIGHT.

Thats strange because it was released that AA is reducing flights to Dallas and Miami. So its not extra flights that are driving the need for more hangar space.
Checking it Out said:
Rusty, Since you are a member of the TWU and the only way that will change is by AA going under or you leave the company. You and I along with the majority voted to accept the last contract. And it was held up in court. If you wish to change anything for our next contract than get involved. Long term survivalship depends on ALL of us! That does not mean taking more concessions. Working smarter does work! Their is a lot of waste going on, all you have to do is see it and take action to correct the situation.

If you have learned anything reading the INTERNET, is to see that our jobs are expendable and Airlines will not hesitate to eliminate them! Are you aware that AA had downsizing plans in place if Amfa was to get in? It was not a pretty picture with someone with a 1990 seniority date!


We all work smarter and become even more efficient, then what?
There already is NOT enough work and people are sitting on their asses or playing cards/dominoes. What do we do then? Increase the crowd size at the card table? That does NOT save anything, or position us for pay and benefit recovery, it makes matters even worse.

The TWU saved some jobs, but did not guarantee any work for those workes via scope, so we watch in disbelief as a company reportedly nearly Bankrupt pays workers to do nothing. We watch you and other TWU stooges fail to show up to produce a damn thing everyday. We witnessed our pay a beneftis reduced to nothing to subsidize an oversized workforce with an even worse work ethic than ever seen before, not because they do not want to work, but becuase there is nothing to work on.

I think the TWU philosophy is as much to blame for our current demise as the piss poor coward management. And you are the biggest cheer leader for the disgrace to continue! Oh yeah, we should all follow you and the other lowlifes that think they are guaranteed a job, and then we will all suffer instead of a few.
Decision 2004 said:

We all work smarter and become even more efficient, then what?
There already is NOT enough work and people are sitting on their asses or playing cards/dominoes. What do we do then? Increase the crowd size at the card table? That does NOT save anything, it amkes it worse.

The TWU saved some jobs, but did not guarantee some work for those workes, so we watch in disbelief as a company nearly Bankrupt pay workers to do nothing. We watch you and other TWU stooges fail to show up to produce a damn thing everyday. We witnessed our pay a beneftis reduced to subsidize an oversize workforce with an even worse work ethic than ever seen before, not because they do not want to work, but becuase there is nothing to work on.

I think the TWU philosophy is as much to blame for our current demise as the piss poor coward management. And you are the biggest cheer leader for the disgrace to continue!
this is the absolute truth, the twu did not preserve jobs they preserved due's flow there is not enough work here in tulsa to keep everyone busy. i have a friend who by the way was bumped back to an osm from a light c dock, he now works in a seat shop and say's its really unnerving because his shop goes days and sometimes a whole week without ever turning a wrench. i asked him what they do with all this down time and his reply "we read books, play cards, etc...and when management shows up we just try to look busy" yea buddy this sounds like the turnaround plan alright. its really no wonder these die hard twu slugs are afraid of amfa they may actually have to work for there paycheck!
1:45pm 09/15/04
Southwest Air AMFA mechanics OK 3-yr contract extension (LUV) By Carolyn Pritchard
SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) -- Southwest Airlines (LUV) said Wednesday that its roughly 1,500 mechanics represented by the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association approved a three-year extension to their agreement with the carrier. The new contract will become amendable in August 2008. Southwest shares fell 18 cents in afternoon trade to $14.21.

Thanks for 'Holding the Line'...

Too bad it was only one ounce test and there ain't no anglers to be found........

🙄 UT
How many more aviation employees are misrepresented by the TWU?

Is $5.50 an hour and no bennies OK?
Would the TWU still demand $11.00 a month in dues?

'Industry Leading'!!!!

Straight to the bottom!!!

:angry: UT
Name: I told you so!!!!
Employer: Alaska
Station: SEA
Date: Friday September 24, 2004
Time: 12:31:39 AM

To Hornet: Little do you know, the negotiators should have taken care of that scope, where is the wizard, the great flim flam man? Our only chance is to have a large layoff when you people bump up here. The way we figure it here among the old timers is to get rid of everybody from about 93 seniority, the get rid of the cell phone packing pussy and boot AMFA out, this first layoff is a stroke of good luck in getting rid of AMFA. Don't expect any slack when you get here, Remember this place is loaded with scabs and Oakland is considered a scab base. You morons brought this on to yourself. AMFA is wanted out, low seniority and Oakland is standing in the way, we haven't forgot how you voted. Long memory and all that stuff you know, yes it is personal!!!!
James T. Kirk said:
Name: I told you so!!!!
Employer: Alaska
Station: SEA
Date: Friday September 24, 2004
Time: 12:31:39 AM

To Hornet: Little do you know, the negotiators should have taken care of that scope, where is the wizard, the great flim flam man? Our only chance is to have a large layoff when you people bump up here. The way we figure it here among the old timers is to get rid of everybody from about 93 seniority, the get rid of the cell phone packing pussy and boot AMFA out, this first layoff is a stroke of good luck in getting rid of AMFA. Don't expect any slack when you get here, Remember this place is loaded with scabs and Oakland is considered a scab base. You morons brought this on to yourself. AMFA is wanted out, low seniority and Oakland is standing in the way, we haven't forgot how you voted. Long memory and all that stuff you know, yes it is personal!!!!

LMAO, are you the one that wrote this Kirk??? lol
Received: 09/26/04 12:56:18 EDT

Name: Alaska AMT


Employer: Alaska

Location: Seattle


"Did I miss something? I thought the massive AMT layoffs at Alaska are happening under a contract that was negotiated twice by AMFA? Don't tell me that's all a mirage?

Alaska is laying off about 600 Mechanics. AA, UAL and USAir each have furloughed several thousand Mechanics under contracts that were negotiated by the TWU and IAM for decades. Your point? - TM "

I beleive his POINT is that ALASKA has had TWO(2) chances to remove bad language in the contract and has not. The first one the TEAM just screwed the pooch and got us another BAD contract full of holes. The second they just did not know how to deal with times at hand and got us a handed to us contract. The sad " its an old IAM contract" can no longer fly. It is time to remove the KEY people that did this and and elect people who are for the members and not themselves. AMFA can work. You just ahve to get involved.

2 cents spent.

You have semi valid argument. However, let us be somewhat realistic. Do you REALLY believe that Alaska Airlines Mechanics would have struck the carrier to remove a contract clause which they had previously ratified? They might now...but there was not a snow ball's chance in Hades that they would have done so earlier. Additionally, do you REALLY believe any contract language, except massive concessions, will protect your job in the current airline environment? - TM

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