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Twu A Democracy?


Feb 9, 2004
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If the twu is such democratic union, then why are they fighting so hard against my right to choose who I wish to have representing me as a union?
Amfa lost an election in 1962 at AA. They have come back many times, again 1989, 1998, 2000, and now. How many times, before you realize your not wanted?

The members have chosen not to sign a card, samething as voting! but you want to distinguish a difference. Deception continues!!!!!!!!
Well I been here a AA since May of '90 and I don't recall ever getting to vote.

Your theory on signing a card is same as vote? Well they have 55.3% cards signed so does that mean you are conceding to AMFA?
Actually you are going off a site that has removed the numbers. Rumor has it that the numbers have been inflated. Example is at USAir last year they claimed over 50% in July then September came along and they admitted that the numbers were closer to 30%. Again in 2001 amfa claimed to have over 50% at AA and again the numbers were wrong.

Deception is the game!!!!!!
Deception is the game!!!!!!

That's the problem with the twu, they try to decieve everyone and when you try to call them on it you become the unwanted bad guy.

Enough is enough let's vote! Then we will see the truth!

Problem is the twu is afraid of a vote, that's why pull all the scare tactics!
Thrustfuljet said:
Well I been here a AA since May of '90 and I don't recall ever getting to vote.

Your theory on signing a card is same as vote? Well they have 55.3% cards signed so does that mean you are conceding to AMFA?
These paid twu organizers are good for nothing more than cartoons and a good laugh. Do you really think they'll go down with the ship?? They're only doing what there paid to do. There aren't many guys on my dock that have not signed cards. Out of that few, some have signed up over the labor loan LOA. It's looking better everyday. Look how bad things had to get at the other airlines before they would get rid of their industrial type unions. If you notice there are AMFA drives all over the industry. If AMFA was as bad as the twu claims how could this be?? Why would they not debate?? The only twu drives going on are to OUST them. Like any cancer it's, hard to get rid of. Soon we will be cancer free. If you've noticed the other airlines have the opportunity to get rid of the AMFA. Why have they not??
"Come listen to connors who is living the AMFA dream at UAL".....They haven't even got to negotiate a contract yet?? Absurd??? You are right.
They will say or do anything to protect their self serving intrests period!!
Our AA flight attendants fought the cancer and won. So shall we prevail...
You will soon get your vote....
Keep the Faith......Vote AMFA
twu......PANIC MODE!!!!!!!
Checking it Out said:
Amfa lost an election in 1962 at AA. They have come back many times, again 1989, 1998, 2000, and now. How many times, before you realize your not wanted?

The members have chosen not to sign a card, samething as voting! but you want to distinguish a difference. Deception continues!!!!!!!!

I believe AMFA was founded in 1962. Delle must of had one hell of a card drive right out of the gate. The first AMFA National Constitution was not adopted untill November 1963.
Please post the NMB rulling Number and date of first AMFA election at AA, so I can look it up on the NMB web site.

Checking it Out said:
Amfa lost an election in 1962 at AA. They have come back many times, again 1989, 1998, 2000, and now. How many times, before you realize your not wanted?

The members have chosen not to sign a card, samething as voting! but you want to distinguish a difference. Deception continues!!!!!!!!
Its not the same thing. Maybe those who didnt fill out a card dont want any union, thats pretty much what they have with the TWU. Sure some may be TWU supporters but that does not mean that the less than 45% who have not filled out cards support the TWU.

The fact is THE MAJORITY of the represented class have filled out cards. THE MAJORITY of those ELIGIBLE! How often does that happen that the majority of those eligible express their will towards one conclusion? We often see where a majority will vote, with a percentage going one way or another, and the majority of the votes cast is the winner, for example what percentage of the eligible voters voted in Local 514s last election? If a local has 7000 members and only 3000 voted and the winner won with only 2000 votes the fact is that the majority of eligible voters did not choose the winner to be their leader, in this case 5000 out of seven did not choose the winner. However with the change of representation case in order to even get an election the majority of the eligible voters have to call for it. That is quite an accomplishment.

When is the last time the TWU was able to get a majority of the eligible voters to agree with them?
Checking it Out said:
Actually you are going off a site that has removed the numbers. Rumor has it that the numbers have been inflated. Example is at USAir last year they claimed over 50% in July then September came along and they admitted that the numbers were closer to 30%. Again in 2001 amfa claimed to have over 50% at AA and again the numbers were wrong.

Deception is the game!!!!!!

Organizers at USair obviously made a mistake, anyone's guess.
I'll bet you AMFA organizers at AA have learned from the mistakes of the past.

One again CIO, even if we fail in our quest to oust the TWeUnucks, We will keep trying, you can count on it. Even if I have to keep signing cards till the day I retire,
in 25 years

Have an AMFA day.
Actually Bob, If you had the Majority I believe you would file. And I believe you are one of the few that have lost certain rights for mis-guided alleiagiance.
Go on believing what you want CIO, cause I believe you are in for some big surprises in the next three or four months.

I just wish I could be there to see the look on your face when the hammer comes down. 😉
What is Democratic Unionism?
Democratic unionism means grass roots controlled unionism. This is as opposed to trade unionism. We advocate all workers in one industry be in one union so as to remove artificial divisions amongst workers. Such a union must be fully organised and controlled by the membership. To achieve this we want a union organised along the following lines:-

1. That no person employed by the union can earn more than the average income of the membership;
2. That spokespeople have no executive power - all decisions are made by the membership affected;
3. Spokespeople are only to act as delegates elected. The membership to carry out decisions made by the membership;
4. That a mechanism be instituted for the instant recall of spokespeople /delegates who break the above rules.
5. That all positions within the union be held as a limited tenure, ie. two years (unless no one else stands).
6. There is no body of full time paid officials. All loss of earnings are to be paid by the union to the extent of the lost wages.
7. That a programme of decentralised decision making be implemented within the union structure, so that we won't need full time paid positions.

Only in this way can we see a democratic united, fighting organisation be created which will stand up for the rights of workers and their families against all governments, political parties and all bosses.

Looks to me like AMFA comes a whole lot closer to being a democratic union then the twu does!!!
Checking it Out said:
Actually Bob, If you had the Majority I believe you would file. And I believe you are one of the few that have lost certain rights for mis-guided alleiagiance.
Checking it Out said:
Amfa lost an election in 1962 at AA. They have come back many times, again 1989, 1998, 2000, and now. How many times, before you realize your not wanted?

The members have chosen not to sign a card, samething as voting! but you want to distinguish a difference. Deception continues!!!!!!!!
Please post the NMB cases to these so-called elections. I would greatly appreciate a copy of the 1962 election.
😛h34r: 😛h34r:

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