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Two Planes Collide at CLT

You forget Maintenance, Mechanic and Utility pushed planes from 1992 till 2005 in CLT.

Guess your forgot from 1989 till 1992 it was a mechanic only function then shared from 92 till 2005 then the ramp took it over.

That is a fact.

I have pushed off of every gate in CLT while dispatching airplanes.

We use be able to push the the planes off of B2, B4, C3 and C5 by heading the tail towards the end of the concourse and then spin them around.

That was changed and management said no longer could push that way, we had to then push the tail towards the bagroom then pull the plane forward.

That is a FACT!

And when your pushing off of B-con and C-con at the sametime it is a cluster.

See you were done with the flight and all ready hiding in the breakroom while M&R pushed the planes.

So your telling me in seven years I could not have worked all the gates in CLT?

You have no idea of how we worked our zones, where we worked and where we worked on OT.

And M&R pushed way before you even took over the R&D.

I have seen accidents on B7 and B9, and were you there when the towbar collasped while pushing off of C5 and trapped the utility on the pushback unit?

Guess not.

Were you there when the 757 hit the Jetway on B7 during pushback on the last flight of the night to DCA?

Guess not.

Were you there when the ramper parked the A321 on B9 and the engine cowling hit the jetway when he parked it wrong?

Guess not.

Once again, better educate yourself before you post.

A warning to Hadenough AND 700UW.....drop the personal bickering NOW.

The next post containing personal insults or attacks from EITHER of you gets BOTH of you a week off......

Stop it NOW.

The subject of this thread is the collision on pushback in CLT. It is NOT who worked where and when.

Take your differences off line......this is no place for it.
I stand by my original post 100% and my facts are completely accurate.

I did not mean for it to appear to be a personal attack all I was trying to do was establish creditability or lack thereof.
I will back Hadenough in saying that "spinning" aircraft on B4 and C3 is a common and acepted occurence
You must get a great sence of pride knowing that you are omniscient. Once again I will state a few important facts.

YOU do not work for US anymore and YOU have not done so for a number of years. Having stated that fact readers need to be aware that YOU have no idea what kind of restriction may or may not be placed upon us.

Stating that YOU have pushed aircraft off all the gates in CLT is pure arrogance. There is no way that YOU could have done so.

I have been on the ramp in CLT for over 20 years and cannot recall there ever having been an accident while pushing aircraft off of B-2, B-4, C-3 and C-5. Saying that these gates are an accident waiting to happen is an insult to the skill of the fleet service agents working these gates.

We "spin" aircraft on almost a daily basis to accommodate aircraft being pushed off of other gates.

Gates B-7 and B-9 very rarely have any traffic behind them and even if they do the tarmac is wide enough to accommodate everyone.

The final fact that proves YOU have no idea what you are saying is that A-concourse is far enough away from B-7 and B-9 to cause no interference what so ever.

Don't let the facts get in your way!!!
I agree this statement is completely accurate.

The issue is not the factual accuracy of Hadenough's post. I will not dispute that. However his comments aimed at another poster personally are not acceptable PERIOD. We are fast approaching a zero tolerance policy for personal attacks, so post accordingly.

Get back on subject or we'll just close this one.

Thank you.