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Two Jets Hit In Lga

how long will the planes be out of service and how much damage was done to both aircraft?
Funny I am not a stock clerk at the moment, so keep trying to figure me out.

All I said was no more mechanics doing pushbacks in LGA. Read what you want into, but if you have workers who are not trained properly and not well experienced doing the task at hand probelms can arise.

Why don't you talk to any pilots over at UAL, they had the same problem, a spike of aircraft damage when the ramp took over the pushbacks.

Now anyone with proper training can do a pushback, but I we all know how US trains their ground personal.

And you don't know me, and you have disdain for all mechanic and related, it is through your posts.

If you are such a highly skilled pilot and mechanic how did you fly an airplane that had the girt bar locks removed and covered over with PRC from MAE to CLT?

How did you not notice the door would not arm properly and the slide was not rigged?

Now I know there were no F/As aboard the flight so how did it get to CLT with a non-functioning slide on the MED?

A320 Driver said:
I just can't seem to get the technical jargon down. Buffed, wiped, parked at maintenance/ramp. Whatever. Just seems odd to me. I was not at D9 and I saw nothing. I DO know the plane was in good shape when it was delivered.

A320 Driver B)
A320 Driver said:
It was a mistake for 700 to start this thread. It was a bigger mistake for me to respond to it. This is not the time or place to discuss these issues and nothing good will come of any of this. For my part in this, I am deeply sorry. My goal was to calm fears. The result was quite the opposite. This much is true: A/C 704 was a good ship when she was parked in CLT today. I have no knowledge or clue what happened after that.

I'm placing myself in the cornfield for good. You folks have at it. I've had enough.
Over and out.

And I have pushed planes back before in LGA, if you do not pay the greatest detail to what you are doing especially on the early morning banks, it is an accident waiting to happen.
Were you there? Did you personally SEE the problem with girt bar attachments OR were you TOLD about it? I'd like to know. How do you know the slides didn't arm? Don't you know that is addressed on the test flight checklist? Don't you, the "knower and seer" of all things know that is addressed on the normal chaecklist also? You make accusations as if you were there.

There were NO stock clerks on the ramp that night.

A320 Driver B)
I was there, I saw them missing and covered over with PRC, the plane was on D-9.

And when the F/A went to arm the door it would not arm.

And the mechanics who took the slide mechanism apart and the slide provided the rest of the details.

How many times do I have to tell you I am not a stock clerk, but I do hold seniority in the classification?

Now lets get back on topic so the moderators dont get mad. :cop:
700UW said:
I was there, I saw them missing and covered over with PRC, the plane was on D-9.

And when the F/A went to arm the door it would not arm.

And the mechanics who took the slide mechanism apart and the slide provided the rest of the details.

How many times do I have to tell you I am not a stock clerk, but I do hold seniority in the classification?

Now lets get back on topic so the moderators dont get mad. :cop:
😱 Unreal...give it a rest 700 please...I mean cmon! Almost 5100 post you have on here and you only been on here like 16 months. Dont you have any thing better to do with your life. Sad!
700UW said:
You know that is totally uncalled for.
Was it? How was his implication any different from yours:
700UW said:
Well no more mechanics pushing back, LGA was one station where mechanics use to pushback.
Hmmm? :huh:
700UW said:
Now lets get back on topic so the moderators dont get mad. :cop:

A little too late for that. Did the PM not work from yesterday?
robbedagain said:
how long will the planes be out of service and how much damage was done to both aircraft?

Acft 178 ferried yesterday to CLT with tail cone damage, Acft 163 is still here with Left elevator damage and currently has an ETR of 1800 lcl. O yea, incidentally we blew a slide on Acft 746 yesterday early evening ! Bad day at LGA ! But it gets better ! 5-7 inches of snow by Monday morning !
Would anyone know if there were wing walkers walking with the aircraft as they were being pushed back? If so, wouldn't they have been able to warn, or halt, the push back? And if there weren't any wing walkers, then why not?
The Port Authority in LGA mandates wing walkers as does US Airways Pushback procedures.

Who blew the slide?
700UW said:
The Port Authority in LGA mandates wing walkers as does US Airways Pushback procedures.

Who blew the slide?

Utility cleaning the R.O.N.
So at Southwest where mechanics don't do pushbacks and they don't have problems with planes hitting each other. This was probably just an accident which sometimes happen. I can believe you would say mechanics never make mistakes.
Please show me where I said Mechanics never make mistakes?

You won't find it because I never said it.

And I said properly trained and I said new people taking over.
There was a wing walker, however the driver lost site of him and did not stop. Both aircarft was full and at the same time dealing with the oversells that were just taken off the flight. Took pretty much the whole day to rebook everyone as most were making carribean connections on BOTH flights.

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