- Aug 7, 2006
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great post...did you catch the CNBC story on AA TSA check points are a dog and pony show at best...TSA should worry more about the cargo than a crewmember going to work...This time Gabby it happens to be true. They held up the legislation for weeks. I'm no fan of either party as I'm a Libertarian so I don't have a dog in the Republicrat fight. I predicted that if the security were run by the Feds we'ed end up with the jack booted thugs we currently have.
The "Trained Shoe Analysts" are an absolute joke. Most are wannabe law enforcement types who couldn't pass the psych screen for a real Law enforcement job. To date the only thing they have thwarted is airline customers and now airline employees ability to begin their travel or work day with a positive and pleasant experience.
The key to security is good solid police work not a bunch of law enforcement wannabe's.
This blatant erosion of basic civil liberties is what my uncle landed on Normandy to prevent.
Judging from the decline in organized Labor I'd say Big Labor has had about all the help from the Democrat they can stand. Face facts, Labor doesn't have the type of cash required to attract any meaningful change just enough lip service to keep the money flowing in a specific direction