Trustee Needs To Be Appointed Immediatly


Jan 6, 2003
The Unions need to Ask for a trustee be appointed to run Usairways, yes that includes ALPA. It is obvious the current CEO and upper management need to be replaced if US is to survive. They have no idea how to run an airline. This is very different than running a retirement or securities fund.

Lakefield let everyone know he should be replaced when he said "I am dumbfounded by their motivation and rationale." :shock: HELLO Bruce this is the type of workers you are asking for. Us doesent want committed workers! This is what US asked the judge for back in october. Remember?

Bronner and all upper management need to be replaced if this company is to survive.
It's probably way too late to change management now. The company needs a completely new culture and a fresh stratetic direction, neither of which the current managers can provide. It was critical 2 years ago. Now it's just too late.

I think the question now is, will U shutdown in an orderly manner, or under the chaos of a implosion meltdown. I think the latter is more likely. Better chance for corporate officers to pay some last minute severance bonuses to themselves in the confusion.
What legal statute, precedent, or authority would you refer the Court to in support of a request by employees of a restructuring entity to appoint a trustee?
It has happened and it is in the bankrupty code.

It happened at EAL and Lorenzo was removed.

And it just happened at Hawaiian Airlines in their current bankruptcy.
You can bet the likes of Crellin, Glass, Chiames, et al, wont go voluntarily. They'll be squeeling like pigs all the way out the door. If the court would dump them, it needs to void all their golden parachutes and pensions as well. You KNOW these guys will bail with all the money than can grab.
700UW said:
It has happened and it is in the bankrupty code.

It happened at EAL and Lorenzo was removed.

And it just happened at Hawaiian Airlines in their current bankruptcy.

I believe in those cases the requests came from creditors, not employees.
It does not matter who requests it, any afftected group can, at UAL the employees did and it forced UAL to change its tune with the labor groups. The judge told UAL to clean up its act and then the unions post-poned the hearing on the trustee motion.

And you forget the employees are creditors also.
Guys, waste your timego ask the judge. He obviously has a different opinion of this team, than do some of the "uneducated"! I wonder why the judge agrees with this management. I wonder why?
Seems kinda strange to ask for such a thing when every union has reached a tentative or actual agreement except for what's their faces...

And the clear majority of creditors are on board too, some willing to invest further if the cost reductions can be secured...

So basically, you premise is that we should have some outsider come in at the last moment and run things differently just because you say so...?

What would you expect to be done differently by soem person who does not have a vested interest?

A New Year is coming, you suckers need to get used to the idea that the company, you said would be dead long ago, has nearly accomplished all their initial goals. Not over yet, by a long shot, but pipe dreams of some magical trustee-fairy that will swoop in and grant your wish of not having to join in the changes around here IS NOT GONNA HAPPEN...

If the current leadership is so horrible in your opinion, then leave. You are not required to stay, this is not prison. Hit the streets and go find that fantasy job that you think will be so much different than here.

But give up on the notion that you are going to somehow weather these concessions out, with little or nothing given on your own part once again. You will give up 100% f the place folds, or far less if it does not..., but trusteee fantasies aside, reality is here to stay.
Rico said:
Seems kinda strange to ask for such a thing when every union has reached a tentative or actual agreement except for what's their faces...

And the clear majority of creditors are on board too, some willing to invest further if the cost reductions can be secured...

So basically, you premise is that we should have some outsider come in at the last moment and run things differently just because you say so...?

What would you expect to be done differently by soem person who does not have a vested interest?

A New Year is coming, you suckers need to get used to the idea that the company, you said would be dead long ago, has nearly accomplished all their initial goals. Not over yet, by a long shot, but pipe dreams of some magical trustee-fairy that will swoop in and grant your wish of not having to join in the changes around here IS NOT GONNA HAPPEN...

If the current leadership is so horrible in your opinion, then leave. You are not required to stay, this is not prison. Hit the streets and go find that fantasy job that you think will be so much different than here.

But give up on the notion that you are going to somehow weather these concessions out, with little or nothing given on your own part once again. You will give up 100% f the place folds, or far less if it does not..., but trusteee fantasies aside, reality is here to stay.

The problem is an awlful lot of employees ARE going to give 100% anyway. They're just not going to go quietly like you want.

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