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You know whats funny about this whole tax return fight?

The Executive ie: The President has even greater authority than Congress to obtain individuals’ tax returns. Congressional Democrats would surely drop logs if the shoe was on the other foot and the Trump requested their tax returns. Nearly 90% os said nitwits have insisted on keeping their tax returns private, including Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Schiff, nearly all of them.
I say turn about is fair play! 🙂
Is that the best you can do? Can’t defend Trump.

Try formulating a coherent question like an adult. Not a nitwit toddler.

In case you haven't been paying attention. I support President Trump in obtaining all these liberal nitwits tax returns and releasing to the public. Turnabout is fair play.
Who cares? What is this guilt by association?

The Boogeyman said something supportive of Donald Trump therefore he must be evil?

What are you 4?
No...it's just that the only people who have had business dealings with him that had anything positive to say about him have been scumbags.
You still clutching that "Any Day Now!" pearl necklace?

No wonder everyone thinks you're a joke.

On the BEST day of you're Miserable LIFE, Y O U could live (God forbid) 6 Lifetimes, and NEVER, EVER come close to the INTELLIGENCE Level of (the) Dog', or KC Flyer, or xUT, or ME !!

(aside), Was'nt it the M O R O N who kept up the BULLSHITE about President Obama's Birth certificate, of which HE Jammed into Every Nitwit RE PLUGS 'Kisser' ???
On the BEST day of you're Miserable LIFE, Y O U could live (God forbid) 6 Lifetimes, and NEVER, EVER come close to the INTELLIGENCE Level of (the) Dog', or KC Flyer, or xUT, or ME !!

(aside), Was'nt it the M O R O N who kept up the BULLSHITE about President Obama's Birth certificate, of which HE Jammed into Every Nitwit RE PLUGS 'Kisser' ???
You seeing this?

Bears fancies himself an intellectual.

A man who makes one incoherent post after another.

A man who thinks Dog's stupid one liners are intelligent conversation.

A man who can't compose a simple sentence.

That's going to keep me laughing for at least a week.

Bears you are no intellectual.

You are the punchline to a bad joke.

Half the time no one even knows what the **** you're talking about.

That's the truth. Make like your hero Wonder Dog and lap it up.
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HE...HE...HE !

Y O U, are questioning M Y Intelligence, while Y O U Vote and defend a M O R O N like TRUMP !!

" Cost of a Big Mac Meal " ........ $ 10.
"Cost of two good BB tickets" .....$ 100.

LA LAY LOW, Tub thumping for the M O R O N, ................"PRICELESS" !!!!!!!!!!!

Jesus, Whats the Next thing You'll be TRYING to PEDDLE To Us INFORMED PEOPLE U LAY LOW, that CATATONIC Mike Pence is a Great Vice President ?????????????????
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You seeing this?

Bears fancies himself an intellectual.

A man who makes one incoherent post after another.

A man who thinks Dog's stupid one liners are intelligent conversation.

A man who can't compose a simple sentence.

That's going to keep me laughing for at least a week.

Bears you are no intellectual.

You are the punchline to a bad joke.

Half the time no one even knows what the **** you're talking about.

That's the truth. Make like your hero Wonder Dog and lap it up.

He's just your typical liberal spewing nonsense.
No...it's just that the only people who have had business dealings with him that had anything positive to say about him have been scumbags.
Scumbag is subjective.

I think leftist are scumbags. I could provide a rather long and extensive list of why I feel that way. Of course they probably say the same about conservatives. When it comes right down to it we just happen to be two people that have very different core values and beliefs.

Of course mine is right. 😀

So your opinion of him being a scumbag carries no weight with me. How could it when I fundamentally believe that your ideology is flawed at best and dangerous at worst? From my perspective you see things through a skewed lens so it is difficult for me to find any value on your opinions. I am sure you feel the same way.

Carl Icahn is not the devil. He is a man. He has his good and bad qualities just like anyone else. I would think with your left leanings you would be in favor of someone who busts up these large corporations (which is EXACTLY what "Carl the Corporate Raider" did).
I would probably write tenth grade English if I were still in the tenth grade. You can't admit Trump is dirty, and won't say he isn't.
Y O U, are questioning M Y Intelligence
No Bears, I don't question your intelligence at all. I know your a dumb ass. There is no question.

In fact I would say you are the second biggest of the six fools I have encountered on this forum over the years (I named and ranked them for your convenience). Just keep reaching for that number one spot though. I have confidence you can make it.

1. The Truth Will Set U Free
2. NewHampshire Black Bears
3. Miss Tree
4. Dog Wonder
5. 700UW
6. Glen Quagmire

" Cost of a Big Mac Meal " ........ $ 10.
Be sure to share that valuable career information with your offspring.

Whats the Next thing You'll be TRYING to PEDDLE To Us INFORMED PEOPLE
You have to love the arrogance of the leftist mind. You don't agree with them therefore you must be uninformed.

Get off the forums and go watch your propaganda feed Bears so they can tell you what to think because we all know from your incoherent post you sure as hell are not going to do it for yourself. Go be a useful idiot Bears, it's your calling.
Scumbag is subjective.

I think leftist are scumbags. I could provide a rather long and extensive list of why I feel that way. Of course they probably say the same about conservatives. When it comes right down to it we just happen to be two people that have very different core values and beliefs.

Of course mine is right. 😀

So your opinion of him being a scumbag carries no weight with me. How could it when I fundamentally believe that your ideology is flawed at best and dangerous at worst? From my perspective you see things through a skewed lens so it is difficult for me to find any value on your opinions. I am sure you feel the same way.

Carl Icahn is not the devil. He is a man. He has his good and bad qualities just like anyone else. I would think with your left leanings you would be in favor of someone who busts up these large corporations (which is EXACTLY what "Carl the Corporate Raider" did).

Yeah...Carl Icahn was a good and decent man. Never thought I'd see stuff like that on an airline board. Now tell me what a great guy Frank Lorenzo was.

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