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I thought tax cuts revitalized a state. Canton has a "less vibrant" economy, yet they USED to have Hoover, Diebold, Timken and other industries.....you know - the kind of industries that at one time "made America great" and vibrant. What do we tell the people there who voted for the dear leader who bought his "again" line? Just move?
Yeah, too bad we did not have tariffs on imports to protect those jobs from offshoring huh?
He didn't do anything at all.
They never do.
Are really naive enough to believe that 'any one' can bring back the 'industrialization' period?
That is what happens when you eliminate most tariffs and have the rest at extremely low cost and allow China to flood our shores with cheap (and cheaply made) goods.
Yeah, too bad we did not have tariffs on imports to protect those jobs from offshoring huh?

If Obama would have implemented tariffs, the right would have their panties in a wad.
That is what happens when you eliminate most tariffs and have the rest at extremely low cost and allow China to flood our shores with cheap (and cheaply made) goods.

Let me ask you....if you were a shareholder...you know, the owner of a company and the sole purpose for it's existence, would a 25% tariff that you will pass on to the consumer be enough for you to close a plant in a place where you are paying $10 per day to a place where you'd have to pay $10 an hour (plus benefits since most of those countries don't rely on employers to provide health care coverage)?
If Obama would have implemented tariffs, the right would have their panties in a wad.

Let me ask you....if you were a shareholder...you know, the owner of a company and the sole purpose for it's existence, would a 25% tariff that you will pass on to the consumer be enough for you to close a plant in a place where you are paying $10 per day to a place where you'd have to pay $10 an hour (plus benefits since most of those countries don't rely on employers to provide health care coverage)?
I would have to crunch the numbers. Pay and healthcare are not the only costs in business. For instance it cost money to ship cars and have them hauled to local car dealers. There is also the issue that some cars are very marketable in some countries and not in others. Why manufacture a car in a country with projected low sales and endure the cost of shipping when you can manufacture it in a high demand area? Sure the labor cost might be higher but you have 20 dealerships really close.

No one is seeking to push out 100 percent of imports. That would be stupid. However it is also stupid for our government to do absolutely nothing while our manufacturing and raw materials sectors are decimated.

The whole idea of tariffs is to protect domestic goods production. It is time we started using them.
I would have to crunch the numbers. Pay and healthcare are not the only costs in business. For instance it cost money to ship cars and have them hauled to local car dealers. There is also the issue that some cars are very marketable in some countries and not in others. Why manufacture a car in a country with projected low sales and endure the cost of shipping when you can manufacture it in a high demand area? Sure the labor cost might be higher but you have 20 dealerships really close.

No one is seeking to push out 100 percent of imports. That would be stupid. However it is also stupid for our government to do absolutely nothing while our manufacturing and raw materials sectors are decimated.

The whole idea of tariffs is to protect domestic goods production. It is time we started using them.

Well...based on what my employer shows me, my salary is $X per year. But the total amount of my compensation is $X + $20,000 per year...and over half that is what they pay in health insurance premiums. But why manufacture a Tahoe that you buy in Topeka in Tijuana? That's a lot of car shipments if you bring the labor force back here. But the dear leader is talking about China....we don't have a lot of Chinese cars sold here. But we DO have lots and lots of Chinese "widgets"...thinks like iPhones and TV's and computers and clothes. And for those kinds of things, most companies would just pass the cost of the tariff on to the consumer because shareholders would prefer that to actually bringing the manufacturing back to the US.

The average wage in China is $3.60 per hour. The average wage in the US is $24 per hour ($35 per hour if you include benefits). Do those numbers help with your math?
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Well...based on what my employer shows me, my salary is $X per year. But the total amount of my compensation is $X =$20,000 per year...and over half that is what they pay in health insurance premiums. But why manufacture a Tahoe that you buy in Topeka in Tijuana? That's a lot of car shipments if you bring the labor force back here. But the dear leader is talking about China....we don't have a lot of Chinese cars sold here. But we DO have lots and lots of Chinese "widgets"...thinks like iPhones and TV's and computers and clothes. And for those kinds of things, most companies would just pass the cost of the tariff on to the consumer because shareholders would prefer that to actually bringing the manufacturing back to the US.

The average wage in China is $3.60 per hour. The average wage in the US is $24 per hour ($35 per hour if you include benefits). Do those numbers help with your math?
Averages are always skewed when it comes to that kind of data. I can tell you here in Tulsa OK most people make nowhere near 24 an hour. Most people here would consider 18 an hour a "good" job.

If your going to make that argument at least try to take places with lower cost of living into consideration. I am sure a lot of these factories making "widgets" in the United States probably pay 12 an hour no benefits.
Averages are always skewed when it comes to that kind of data. I can tell you here in Tulsa OK most people make nowhere near 24 an hour. Most people here would consider 18 an hour a "good" job.

If your going to make that argument at least try to take places with lower cost of living into consideration. I am sure a lot of these factories making "widgets" in the United States probably pay 12 an hour no benefits.

Most people don't realize how much they are actually paid. Do you work? Does your employer provide you with health insurance? How much do they take out of your paycheck to pay for it? That's far from the total amount....and that amount they pay isn't reflected in your "wage" of $18. In my case, my employer offers 3 different plans. I opted for a high deductible plan for me and my daughter. They take $80 a month out of my paycheck. But what I DON'T see is the other $900 per month that is paid to the insurance company...If you do he math on that, it's $5.62 an hour. That's just for insurance. So now that $18 is up to $23.62.

So we've got China at $3.60 an hour. And even if we assume that the total labor cost in Tulsa was $18, that's still 5 times more than it is in China. So if we charge a 25% tariff on a $700 Chinese made iPhone that is being built with $3.60 labor, would you as a shareholder prefer that you raise the price of the iPhone to $825, or would demand that they bring production home and increase the labor costs 500%

Also...I'm just north of you in Kansas...our farmers, who voted overwhelmingly for the dear leader, aren't happy about the reciprocal tariffs that the Chinese are putting on grain.
If Obama would have implemented tariffs, the right would have their panties in a wad.

And Trump by doing it has won the USWA vote.....where was Obama?

Swallowing, along with his party, for the illegal vote......
.....where was Obama?

Swallowing, along with his party, for the illegal vote......

Well, in proper deference to the Oval Office I'm sure he only swallowed after first bowing deeply and donning "Presidential Seal" emblazoned knee pads for the "respectful" ritual of course. https://www.snopes.com/news/2017/05/22/bow-saudi-arabia/ "A White House aide later denied that Obama was actually bowing:"...? Seriously? What was "Bath House Barry" doing then, perhaps just checking out the Saudi "King's" crotch up close and personal before furthering "negotiations" ?
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Math makes you stupid.

Good thing you obviously never even attempted such a mighty thing yourself then, what with such an already amazing advantage from birth so clearly evident on the stupid index that very few could contest your "achievement" there, even without adding in the extra damage math might have irreparably done to your precious few neural synapses. I don't want to even imagine the terminal trauma you might've indeed suffered from attempting basic physics and/or chemistry. 😉
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And Trump by doing it has won the USWA vote.....where was Obama?

Swallowing, along with his party, for the illegal vote......
How many steel mills have reopened in Pittsburgh?

Edited to add - midwest farmers voted for him too, but they are kind of pissed at the impact retaliatory tariffs on grain will do to them.
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