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Depends on how bad they piss me off with their diatribe.

What was the point of even saying that? Of course I would expect you to have a high opinion of people that reflect your own values.

I have a liberal in my family that was championing section 8 housing..... until she found out they were building it in HER neighborhood. Then her true colors show. That describes about every dealing I have ever had with liberals.

I don't understand why you even put forth the energy conversing with me. You are wasting your time trying trying to convince me of the merits of the left. Your efforts would be better spent on someone more open to your ideals.

I think that in your case, 300 miles and a wireless connection give you that bravery to call a tard a tard and show your disdain towards political correctness. I think that if we were at the same party and I started putting down the dear leader or discussing every liberal talking point on this board, you would lack the courage to stand 3 feet from me and unleash the tard word. You'd head for the keyboard and tard up a message board.
I think that in your case, 300 miles and a wireless connection give you that bravery to call a tard a tard and show your disdain towards political correctness. I think that if we were at the same party and I started putting down the dear leader or discussing every liberal talking point on this board, you would lack the courage to stand 3 feet from me and unleash the tard word. You'd head for the keyboard and tard up a message board.
Believe what you want to believe.

Here is some leftist journalism that was posted recently and my response.

That article is not an example of journalism. It is an example of leftist propaganda.

No real journalist would write something like this.

(The measure faces a rougher ride through the state Senate, but in deep-red Tallahassee, anything is possible as long as it's cruel and mean to the working class and the poor.)

Another example.

State Rep. Scott Plakon, a Longwood Republican who looks like a low-rent Mitch McConnell impersonator, filed his bill again this past October.

There are more but you get the idea.

Tell me KCFlyer is that what a leftist considers valid and factual journalism?
Believe what you want to believe.

Here is some leftist journalism that was posted recently and my response.

That article is not an example of journalism. It is an example of leftist propaganda.

No real journalist would write something like this.

(The measure faces a rougher ride through the state Senate, but in deep-red Tallahassee, anything is possible as long as it's cruel and mean to the working class and the poor.)

Another example.

State Rep. Scott Plakon, a Longwood Republican who looks like a low-rent Mitch McConnell impersonator, filed his bill again this past October.

There are more but you get the idea.

Tell me KCFlyer is that what a leftist considers valid and factual journalism?

Show of hands please....how many here typically read the Miami New Times? One article in an obscure publication.
Find the MSM credible do you?

That's funny.
No, I said I've never heard of he Miami New Times. I don't think that they qualify as "mainstream". Now if you are talking about the REAL mainstream media...the ones that people have heard of...then I find them more credible than brietbart or chain emails. Because unlike the right, who believes ALL of it is "fake news", I believe that there are far more nuggets of valid info than the sniffers of the dear leaders backside do. Trump has been an arrogant ahole since he burst on the scene decades ago. But he's like your Svengali....whatever he deems fake, you accept without question. Kinda dangerous actually.
Everything he needs to know about journalism he can learn on the radio. Education is for the dumb.
But he's like your Svengali....whatever he deems fake, you accept without question.
Creating your own reality again?

You want to speak in generalities fine but don't direct specifics to me. You don't know me.

I support changes I am seeing regarding, tax reform, immigration enforcement, unfair trade deals, and projecting a dominate presence on the world stage. Those are things I care about and want to see change. Why would I not support someone that shares similar goals? That does not mean I don't think he has faults. That exist only in your mind.
You want to speak in generalities fine but don't direct specifics to me. You don't know me.

Interesting....you find a news article from an obscure paper and generalize ALL lefties. And all too often these generalities get direct towards me and other left lean posters with that courageous "libtard".

Perhaps the best thing about the dear leader cozying to Putin is that we'd have some competition in projecting a dominant image. Seems like when we were the only superpower, our "dominant image" rubbed some countries - including our FRIENDS - the wrong way.

Here's the difference between presidents and projecting a dominant image. Some RINO way back when was quoted to have said "Walk softly and carry a big stick" Another one twits loudly "Mines bigger". Kovfefe.
Taking jobs from American talk show babblers? LaLa would never listen to no Mexican Radio.
Interesting....you find a news article from an obscure paper and generalize ALL lefties. And all too often these generalities get direct towards me and other left lean posters with that courageous "libtard".
Of course I direct them toward you. That is a component in a conversation. Who else would I direct them to? Again feel free to put me on ignore.

The leftist media EARNED their reputation through sensationalizing stories, presenting biased opinions, and reporting unverified or incorrect information with the goal of creating controversy and generating ad revenue.

For example:

Do you not think the media played a large part in the rioting in Ferguson? But hey, that is just more news to cover right?

Michael Brown was hardly an innocent victim as the media tried to portray him. He was a thug that inflicted violence on others. The only person I feel sorry for in that instance is the cop who had to suffer a media "hit job".

Of course the media does not want to say he was a thug in a community with a high murder and violent crime rate. Especially since that community happens to have a majority black population. After all that is not politically correct, even if it is factual. Better to make it look like the officer was a racist white cop executing an innocent person instead of a police officer who was defending himself against a thug who had intent to get control of the officer's gun. No, better to paint him a victim against a brutal and murderous police force. After all that sells.
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Is it possible Rush is part of the media brainwashing people?

I seriously doubt it. You telling me Pelosi, Maxine Watters, Shielia Jackson Lee, the Cowboy Hat Lady and a couple others listen to him?

Find out if they do and that should prove it.
1/30/2018 State Of The Union. Think it's a conspiracy if you want but there was a 16 year plan to take down America. Just humor me and read Post #567. The SotU will convince many people along with the soon to be released FISA!

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