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Special Counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly looking into whether former national security adviser Michael Flynn was involved in a kickback scheme with a Turkish lobbying client.

The payments have raised suspicion because they were made in between larger financial transfers from Alptekin to Flynn, who signed a $600,000 lobbying contract on Aug. 9, 2016. Mueller, a former FBI director, is also looking into whether the Turkish government was behind the payments to Flynn, the former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly looking into whether former national security adviser Michael Flynn was involved in a kickback scheme with a Turkish lobbying client.

The payments have raised suspicion because they were made in between larger financial transfers from Alptekin to Flynn, who signed a $600,000 lobbying contract on Aug. 9, 2016. Mueller, a former FBI director, is also looking into whether the Turkish government was behind the payments to Flynn, the former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.


dell, I don't think it's gonna' end with just Flynn. It will go further, but how much further, I'm not sure.
Sound familiar?

Ever hear of something called the "point of diminishing returns"? What was the tax rate when Kennedy said that? To save you time looking it up, taxes were at 90% and he lowered them to 70%. Today it's 40%. There isn't a lot of room to play with...ESPECIALLY if you aim to increase defense spending to levels that allow us to maintain this "terrific" armed forces that we have - the one we spend more on than the next 8 countries combined. And you all were SO concerned about this deficit that Obama ran up, but you think cutting taxes is going to help because Darth Cheney said "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter".
How times have changed! Do you recognise some of these faces? Do you think you could get all of them out to make a remake of that song today?
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Ever hear of something called the "point of diminishing returns"? What was the tax rate when Kennedy said that? To save you time looking it up, taxes were at 90% and he lowered them to 70%. Today it's 40%. There isn't a lot of room to play with...ESPECIALLY if you aim to increase defense spending to levels that allow us to maintain this "terrific" armed forces that we have - the one we spend more on than the next 8 countries combined. And you all were SO concerned about this deficit that Obama ran up, but you think cutting taxes is going to help because Darth Cheney said "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter".
KC, the premise is the same for 90 or 70%. Like the man said, you lower the tax rate, there is more money in private hands to invest in the economy. And what you are not taken into consideration is the fact that there is close to, if not more than, a trillion $$$ in off shore money. There because we have one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world. Pump that kind of money into our economy and you could easily see a 3% to 4% increase in our GNP! And that my friend, is good for everyone. Including our national deficit. And let me point something out here KC, the Reagan deficits are what brought down the Soviet Union.
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KC, the premise is the same for 90% or 70%. Like the man said you lower the tax rate, there is more money in private hands to invest in the economy. And what you are not taken into concideration is the fact that there is close to, if not more than, a trillon $$$ in off shore money. There because we have one of the largest courperate tax rates in the world. Pump that kind of money into our economy and you could easily see a 3% to 4% increase in our GNP! And that my friend is good for everyone. Including our national deficit. And let me point something out here KC, the Reagan deficits are what brought down the Sovet Union.

But if you want to fund things, like say a terrific military, you have to have SOME money. And you are at a point that you don't have enough room to generate all this terrific growth and fund this terrific military too. Given that logic, why not just slash taxes to zero? Imagine the increased revenues to the treasury that way.

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