- Aug 20, 2002
- 11,358
- 1,428
I would like to change them and have more responsible politicians. In other words, have them spend our money like it was their own.
right now if you give them 2 billion to do a project and in reality it could be done for 1 billion they would still spend the 2 billion and then some. There doesn't seem to be a sense to try and save money (both Repubs and Dems). I say don't give them so much to spend. Let them know there is not an endless supply of money..
Here's the problem....it's always "the other guy" who is the problem...not OUR guy. Take Kansas....our Senators have represented us for the past 20 years. There hasn't been a farm subsidy program that they opposed - ever. We like farm subsidies here in Kansas...it's not US...it's those damn spendthrift democrats in New York getting money for some damn train that is causing all the problems. Meanwhile in NYC - THEIR 20 year Senators are insuring that they have a safe, reliable and affordable way of commuting to their jobs in the city by making sure Amtrak is funded. It's those damn farmers in the midwest getting paid to grow corn we don't need that are causing all our problems. So they ARE spending the money like their constituents want it spent. The problem is WE THE PEOPLE keep sending them BACK over and over and over again.