NewHampshire Black Bears said:
You know what ' HACK JOB ', in9stead of breaking Glenns, or Kevs or '700, or the 'Dog's CHOPS, how about 'stepping up ' and answering the QUESTION I posed to you some days ago.
Q. What are you going to do on wednesday 11/09/16, the day after the election, after ' your boys ' go 0 for 3 in potus elections. Are You;
1. Call in Sick ?
2. Beat your dog ?
3. Get good and Drunk ?
4. Go and Visit $$$ a 'Cat House' ?
Hack Job, it's always best to pre plan !
Sorry I missed your moronic attempt at some kind of pinheaded predictions of the future general elections, I was out violating libtards "safe space". I'm sure Wonder Mutt, Kevy, and 700DA appreciate your silly attempt at a unstable old man defense, but I'm sure they don't need a massively ignorant old bigot off his meds who can't let off the CAPS key on their team.
Furthermore, I don't have any ""boys" in the 2016 elections, I will vote for anyone that is not on the libtard side, especially after 7 years of Nobammy failure. Kasich, Trump, or Cruz are all far better than a criminal old witch who constantly lies (soon to be a lying felon) or an old lefty socialist/communist that went to Russia on his honeymoon and has never held a job outside of government. No thanks.
So now the Hildabeast FBI interviews are starting gramps. I sure hope she tries to lie her way out of this one. She's all done and over.
You better stock up on your heart meds/lithium gramps. Could be very turbulent summer and fall in libtard safe spaces.
I'm going to the range, staying up on training. I'll do the same thing when Hildabeast is in prison, and libtards are having their meltdown, and Trump, Cruz, Kasich is in office at 1600.
Grampa bears the bigot? He will be soaking his dentures, drooling on himself, and yelling at the TV during All in The Family reruns. P