Trump Polling

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townpete said:
How are we going to afford all the free stuff Berntard is proposing?

But...spending is bad.  Bernie is going to bankrupt the country with free education....I guess you've thrown in the towel on the republicans winning this year since you are already bitching about Bernie spending money we don't have.  Either that or you really dont' have a comeback on how we would pay for the wall if Trump wins.  Here's a simple civics lesson for you....If Trump wins, how much Bernie would have spent doesn't really matter, since he is in the other party that DIDN'T win.  So how does the winning party propose to pay for the wall? 
Was Ted Bundy an illegal immigrant?  He killed a lot of college girls and even killed a 14 year old.  Was John Wayne Gacy an illegal immigrant?  He killed a lot of gay guys.   Same with Jeff Dahmer.  I guess the Mezzicans don't have the market cornered on criminal activities.  How do you pay for that wall again?  
KCFlyer said:
Was Ted Bundy an illegal immigrant?  He killed a lot of college girls and even killed a 14 year old.  Was John Wayne Gacy an illegal immigrant?  He killed a lot of gay guys.   Same with Jeff Dahmer.  I guess the Mezzicans don't have the market cornered on criminal activities.  How do you pay for that wall again?
Facts don't lie, go look thru the archives. Hundreds if not thousands more killed by people who broke existing immigration law and were allowed to stay.

Liberal's always come to the defense of rapists and terrorists over us citizens.

What a bunch of disgusting degenerates.
no but  Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez was,deported multiple times but never jailed protected in a liberal sanctuary city till he killed an innocent women 
townpete said:
Facts don't lie, go look thru the archives. Hundreds if not thousands more killed by people who broke existing immigration law and were allowed to stay.

Liberal's always come to the defense of rapists and terrorists over us citizens.

What a bunch of disgusting degenerates.
pretty much they'll say anything to promote their political correctness agenda
townpete said:
How are we going to afford all the free stuff Berntard is proposing?

cltrat said:
pretty much they'll say anything to promote their political correctness agenda
What is politically correct about any of that?  How do we pay for the wall to insure the safety of  hundreds if not thousands of Americans?   Should we mine the coastlines on the southeast Texas coast to keep illegals from getting here via the gulf of Mexico?   What if the Mezzicans end up buying an airline ticket to Dallas and do as the illegal Asians and Eastern Europeans do....don't use the return ticket?  
cltrat said:
pretty much they'll say anything to promote their political correctness agenda
They really are the worst kind of people imaginable.

They promote the inflow of thosands of rapists and murders, prop up terrorists, prop up the demonization and murder of law enforcement, etc, all in the name of political correctness.
townpete said:
They really are the worst kind of people imaginable.

They promote the inflow of thosands of rapists and murders, prop up terrorists, prop up the demonization and murder of law enforcement, etc, all in the name of political correctness.
We can come up with thousands of about anything.  You on the other hand cannot come up with 3 things the GOP did to help the middle class OR the way to pay for a wall.  YOu have a tendency to post what Bernie would spend.   Or a spongebob cartoon. 
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