Trump Polling

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From the first time seeing the Allmans live, closing an epic show in the old Municipal Stadium in Cleveland.  Hope you enjoyed it.  If you didn't good luck getting help.
More posts of vids and nothing that resembles a paragraph on anything pertaining to the subject at hand. 10000 posts of BS.

Here I thought libtards had something to say Wonder Mutt.
Hackman said:
Well Quagtard your in forth grade, go right ahead and throw down. Such a badass you are. Sometimes it's difficult to be perfect on the road without the laptop.

I have no trouble putting my thoughts down. Just with twits who watch cartoons at 55 or idiots with 5 word flat-liners who think they are wise with 10000 posts of the same... old....thing.

It's cute you came to rescue Wonder Mutt.

Hillary Clinton defeats Donald Trump with 384 Electoral College votes to Trump's 154 in the most recent Electoral College projection.
Don't you have any of 700DA's "original thoughts" in a paragraph yet? You have to have something from your pea brain you dazzle us with (oops forgot the,) I'm sure of it.

I guess the facts got in the way.
Hackman said:
  Must have a long night under Buffy's desk and the Muttly kennel for those thunderous responses. 700DA loves his meme, he's an award winning editor of the Iam Tool Boy Times.
Get with the times and dream up better insults, Buffy retired, come up with something new.
Guess you dont know the difference between spelling and grammar mistakes either.
Your the one with the antiquated and failing 1940s union you keep pushing, one that nobody wants, including DL. I heard Buffy retired, I just figured you were reliving your glory days when you were a good Iam errand boy and not relegated to BB Duty for less pay.

I could really care less about petty grammer or minor spelling errors,
even yours. I guess you have to be an "awarding winning" Iam tool boy to twist off on it.

Your life is this BB. How pathetic. You should get an airline stock clerk job and at least have some skin in the game.

Trump or Cruz 2016. Hildabeast is history.
Hackman said:
Your the one with the antiquated and failing 1940s union you keep pushing, one that nobody wants, including DL. I heard Buffy retired, I just figured you were reliving your glory days when you were a good Iam errand boy and not relegated to BB Duty for less pay.

I could really care less about petty grammer or minor spelling errors,
even yours. I guess you have to be an "awarding winning" Iam tool boy to twist off on it.

Your life is this BB. How pathetic. You should get an airline stock clerk job and at least have some skin in the game.

Trump or Cruz 2016. Hildabeast is history.
You know what  ' HACK  JOB ',  instead of breaking  Glenns, or Kevs or '700, or the 'Dog's  CHOPS, how about 'stepping up ' and answering the QUESTION I posed to you some days ago.
Q.   What are you going to do on wednesday  11/09/16, the day after the election, after ' your boys '  go  0  for  3  in potus elections.   Are You;
1.    Call in Sick  ?
2.     Beat your dog  ?
3.     Get good and Drunk  ?
4.     Go and Visit   $$$  a 'Cat House'  ?
Hack Job,  it's always best to  pre plan  !
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