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Trump Polling

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Dog Wonder said:
Another stereotype of old White guys and the Southern White Male master race is thin skin.
I really don't feel like arguing with your idiocy you'll just bring me down to your level and beat me with experience  
delldude said:
I'm partial to old white guys and Brothers too.....
How 'bout you?
Get along with all of them, can't understand the Good Old Boys sometimes
Dog Wonder said:
Stand-up comedians and editorial cartoonists are licking their chops.
Also leftie hacks and slack-jawed fools who can't articulate why they are violent and causing trouble. Dry humping the leg of MoveOn.fail, who has awakened the more votes for Trump. No vote for Trump for me, until now. Sit, stay, roll over, hump, good Wonder Mutt.
Dog Wonder said:
And scared Trump straight out of town.
Trump was protecting the Moveon.fail rabid dogs from being put down. Which is what the libtards want, more shootings they can lay blame on.
Dog Wonder said:
Hillary will be disappointed.
She will be more disappointed in the color of her prison jump suit the stench of her cell mate.
Kev3188 said:
Good one!
I certainly hope it doesn't get worse Kevy, but I can say with fair certainty, that the possible weapon count and (and tactical quality IMO) in the unwarranted and misguided fight against Trump perped by MoveOn.fail , Black Lies Matter, and gutterman billionaire lefty George Soros is on the Trump side of the aisle. Especially with the Secret Service and FBI involved. The dope smoking kiddies in hoodies, old hippies in Bernout shirts, and southside Hood Rats with SNAP cards are far, and I mean far....outmatched. Tragic that the libtard professional anarchists and hateful radicals only want free speech when they agree with what is said. Remember, Obammy/Hildabeast has been the best gun/ammo salesmen for almost 8 years.
Hackman said:
Remember, Obammy/Hildabeast has been the best gun/ammo salesmen for almost 8 years.
YEs, they have.  You all have been stocking up on guns because "Obama's going to ban them any day now".   I hear the Association of Gun Shop Owners has been writing him checks every year to keep up the good work.   When is he going to ban them again?  Oh yeah....any day now.  Better buy some more. 
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