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Trump Polling

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700UW said:
Worked an event last night it was wives of some wealthy republicans and they are all voting for Hillary as they said they couldn't vote for Drumpf.

And this afternoon for some very wealthy boosters of UNC and they were also talking politics and they also said they would vote for Hillary over Drumpf. These men were all hedge fund managers and finance people.

The regular republican voters won't vote for Drumpf, but they will vote for Hillary.
So that in itself bodes the national trend?  lol  You notice Republicans are showing a greater turn out since 2008 nationwide? And they aren't going dem.
700UW said:
Who's the criminal?

Can't be HRC as she hasn't been convicted of a crime.

Keep trying.
Shoe drop coming soon....looking like HC might skate by throwing Huma and Cheryl under the bus.......and if that's what it takes to secure the nomination.....do it with shame.
It IS FABULOUS to see the  BIG..BIG..BIG  money boys (like Adelson and the KOCHies)  U N A B L E  to derail Trump, and save thier  GD  rotten  Replug party  from the Impending DOOM (the T-Rump EXPRESS) that is Barreling thier way  unimpeded !
TRUMP  =  Hillary potus = Dem. SENATE = A LIBERAL  SCOTUS !
ROFLMAO  !!!!!!!!!!!
delldude said:
...Republicans are showing a greater turn out since 2008 nationwide? And they aren't going dem.
...Which is ironic, given how much the right has been focusing on suppressing voter rights lately...
traderjake said:
Boston Herald reports that as many as 20,000 Democrats have denounced their party affiliations since Jan. 1. It's a staggering number that's getting a lot of attention.

According to the report, 20,000 Massachusetts Democrats -- or 1.3 percent of the party's state population – voted in the Republican primary Tuesday. Over 16,300 of that group have "unenrolled" or become Independent voters, while 3,500 have joined the GOP.

YOu know....there ARE a lot of democrats that are disappointed in the democratic party.  They want Bernie.  And a lot of "crossovers" vote the opposite party's primary to vote try to get a candidate that COULD vote for....here's some breaking news - it's NOT Trump or Cruz. 
I myself was an "independent" that registered as a republican in 2012.  In Kansas, you can't vote in a primary unless you are the member of a party.  State elections in Kansas are determined in the republican primary, so you can vote for a moderate....which is one with a brain and common sense, otherwise known as a RINO....and God knows that the "true" republicans have damn near crippled this state. So the vote matters. 
Kev3188 said:
...Which is ironic, given how much the right has been focusing on suppressing voter rights lately...
How's that? By making sure voters are "AMERICAN CITIZENS"?
delldude said:
Cute...you just outed yourself as a progressive socialist democrat moderate political hack.
Must be freakout city in the Dem ranks over the Trump if they're sending you to GOP fund raisers.....lol
GOP Voting Hillary.....way too soon to rely on rumors.
Show me where all your GOP voters signed a pledge to vote HC.
Dude, UNC and Duke famous basketball rivals are far and away the most progressive liberal universities in the state it's not even close
Kev3188 said:
...Which is ironic, given how much the right has been focusing on suppressing voter rights lately...
No one is being denied their right to vote.

No one.
Kev3188 said:
...Which is ironic, given how much the right has been focusing on suppressing voter rights lately...
and just how are they doing that? by asking for an ID? seriously ?
Maybe not explicitly, though there's no shortage of anecdotal examples of people being turned away at the polls.

But tacitly? Absolutely.

NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Did it ever occur to you that a lot of people 'jumped ship' for the primaries ONLY, only to re-jump back for the General election  ?
And there is a good chance that of those who did jump wanted John Kasich as president more than any other candidate.  Your assumtion that they 'jumped' for trump is disingenuous.  Perhaps the 'jumpers' wanted Kasich as thier first choice, but if he wasn't successful, then thier second choice is  Hillary.  I seriously think they jumped for  Trump, since he had a commanding lead in the polls.  Finally, if the jumpers won't vote for Trump, or for Hillary for that matter, than Anything they do, minus voting for Trump  IS a Hillary gain.   I know ALL about NE politics, since I LIVE Here !
so they changed for the hell of it to vote for Trump though they really supported Kasich? well of course they did ...lol and in the end they all come running back to support the criminal? well sure they will.. Do you really believe the tripe you post or do you get on here drunk or something and just start banging away??
And before you ask I plan on voting for whoever the republican nominee is any of the four are light years better than the criminal
delldude said:
Cute...you just outed yourself as a progressive socialist democrat moderate political hack.
Must be freakout city in the Dem ranks over the Trump if they're sending you to GOP fund raisers.....lol
GOP Voting Hillary.....way too soon to rely on rumors.
Show me where all your GOP voters signed a pledge to vote HC.
Learn to read, it wasn't a political fundraiser. It was a fundraiser for UNC for school expansion and funding.

Once again you put words in my posts, which you need to stop doing.

No where did I state it was a political fundraiser.

And I have worked fundraisers for both sides, don't choose the events we work.

And there you go again with the name calling, guess you don't practice what you preach once again.
Kev3188 said:
Maybe not explicitly, though there's no shortage of anecdotal examples of people being turned away at the polls.

But tacitly? Absolutely.

An anecdotal example is hearsay. So the left's argument is based on hearsay?
I bet there are more instances of fraud, one way or another, and they're documented.
700UW said:
Learn to read, it wasn't a political fundraiser. It was a fundraiser for UNC for school expansion and funding.

Once again you put words in my posts, which you need to stop doing.

No where did I state it was a political fundraiser.

And I have worked fundraisers for both sides, don't choose the events we work.

And there you go again with the name calling, guess you don't practice what you preach once again.
Truth isn't name calling.
Kev3188 said:
Maybe not explicitly, though there's no shortage of anecdotal examples of people being turned away at the polls.
But tacitly? Absolutely.
And there's way more then "anecdotal" examples of blatant voter fraud/ballot stuffing, etc.

Where's your outrage on that?
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