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Trump Polling

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delldude said:
You should read your own meme's.
CNN  -  49% support Trump before Super Tuesday.....cool
And the one below (supposedly same range as one above) by CNN shows 25% definitely, 27% probably.....Duh  That's 52% and upswing of 3%.  
southwind said:
Whether Hitlery wins or not, the investigation should not be halted.
Why should our so called leaders not meet the standards everyday taxpaying Citizens have to meet?
So...all the talk about the threat posed by ISIS is just a crock?  All the concern about the debt is lot of hot air?  All the talk about the economy is small potatoes?    The most important thing that this country can do....regardless of the cost - is to prosecute Hillary.
Kev3188 said:
I can't see Rubio winning any states today...
I forget who, but somebody gave him a big cash float, and he's supposed to win. Rumor is if Marco can't hack it, super Mitt will come out to try and take it away from the evil Trumptster.
Marco is like
with the E crowd.
Glenn Quagmire said:
I will take 1000 to 1 odds that no new mexico border wall of any kind gets built at any time in the next 8 years.
I want a piece of that action.  First off, there ain't no way we can afford to build the wall, and no Mexico will NOT pay for it.  Just FYI, I've been doing some googling in reference to the wall.
1.  The U.S.-Mexico border from South Texas to the Pacific Ocean south of San Diego is 1954 miles long.
2.  The last wall they built along that border was a 7 mile long chain link fence at San Diego.
3.  The last two miles of that fence were through some rugged, remote territory (which would define the majority of the whole border).
4.  Those last two miles cost $48 milion EACH!  $96 million to build two miles of fence.
5.  Let's say Donald has connections in the construction business and gets the fence built for an average of only $40 million/mile.  That works out to
$78 BILLION, 160 MILLION minus of course the few miles that are already in place.
Are any of you sure you think a complete border wall is a good idea?  Really?  And, let's assume that when Donald used the word wall, he didn't mean a chain link fence.  He meant a masonry wall like he had around his Palm Beach estate.  That's going to cost a LOT more than chain link.
delldude said:
I forget who, but somebody gave him a big cash float, and he's supposed to win. Rumor is if Marco can't hack it, super Mitt will come out to try and take it away from the evil Trumptster.
Marco is like
with the E crowd.
I was told that the Koch brothers decided to fund Marco because they were afraid they would not be able to control the Donald the way they control most of the "establishment" Republican office holders.  If true I say good on the Donald.  Might lead me to vote for him.
jimntx said:
I want a piece of that action.  First off, there ain't no way we can afford to build the wall, and no Mexico will NOT pay for it.  Just FYI, I've been doing some googling in reference to the wall.
1.  The U.S.-Mexico border from South Texas to the Pacific Ocean south of San Diego is 1954 miles long.
2.  The last wall they built along that border was a 7 mile long chain link fence at San Diego.
3.  The last two miles of that fence were through some rugged, remote territory (which would define the majority of the whole border).
4.  Those last two miles cost $48 milion EACH!  $96 million to build two miles of fence.
5.  Let's say Donald has connections in the construction business and gets the fence built for an average of only $40 million/mile.  That works out to
$78 BILLION, 160 MILLION minus of course the few miles that are already in place.
Are any of you sure you think a complete border wall is a good idea?  Really?  And, let's assume that when Donald used the word wall, he didn't mean a chain link fence.  He meant a masonry wall like he had around his Palm Beach estate.  That's going to cost a LOT more than chain link.
New CCW program for the 94 million who left the work force?
KCFlyer said:
So...all the talk about the threat posed by ISIS is just a crock?  All the concern about the debt is lot of hot air?  All the talk about the economy is small potatoes?    The most important thing that this country can do....regardless of the cost - is to prosecute Hillary.
I would hope our country could handle more then one issue at a time.

And since when were BaRack supporters concerned with ISIS, he isn't!
southwind said:
I would hope our country could handle more then one issue at a time.

And since when were BaRack supporters concerned with ISIS, he isn't!
IT can't.   Republicans have shown that since their "we will make our number 1 priority to make Obama a one term president".  They've been against Obamacare.  And then they were against Obamacare.  And we can't forget that they were against Obamacare.  Then Benghzai happened.  And they were all about stand down orders and emails.  What have they done lately to show that they have the ability to multitask?    I have an idea that will be as difficult to cite as the elusive 3 things republicans have done to benefit the middle class. 
delldude said:
Good read on MSM and their input in elections.
And I think both parties haven't' recognized where the phenomena may yet take us.
Claims everyone thought it would go away and didn't do much oppo research and now their scrambling and it could be too late.

You cannot be serious.

The problem is that the establishment republicans did not dish it out.

You will see the mother of all "oppo" research unleashed once trump is nominated.

There is so much on him that he does not even remember. It will be a bloodbath.

And yes, I will be back to admit I was wrong if he becomes POTUS.
Glenn Quagmire said:
And yes, I will be back to admit I was wrong if he becomes POTUS.
I will be relocating to Australia if he becomes POTUS.
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