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cltrat said:
get me that link and maybe I will until then you're just some off kilter liberal running that mouth with nothing to back it
Help me then...define "radical Islam".  You all are pretty vocal in saying that Obama is afraid to say it, so you MUST know what it is....and if the solution is "bomb the **** of of them", you MUST know WHERE it is.  So please - define it, and where can I find it. 
KCFlyer said:
We're we attacked by radical Shinto at Pearl Harbor?  No?  You mean it was some place called "Japan"....and the attack was sanctioned by the government of this country called Japan?   This place that was identifiable on a map?  That's pretty easy - bomb the #### out of them.   If we were at war with "radical Catholics" who up and opposed the liberal pope we have, would we be justified in bombing Italy in retaliation?  
So that's a yes then?
You will volunteer you and your family to preserve your sacred political correctness.
Why do you condone an ideology that throws gays off roofs?
And then have a meltdown over a cake/pizza shop?
Your priorities and world view are ridiculous, but that's liberalism for you. 
townpete said:
So that's a yes then?
You will volunteer you and your family to preserve your sacred political correctness.
Why do you condone an ideology that throws gays off roofs?
And then have a meltdown over a cake/pizza shop?
Your priorities and world view are ridiculous, but that's liberalism for you. 
No...I'm willing to defend us against radical Islam.  What is it...and where is it if "bombing the **** out of them" is the best defense?   You tell me I have no spine...you and others say that Obama won't say radical Islam...great...one more time - define it.  And tell me how bombing the **** out of some country will eradicate it.   Unless you plan on eradicating everything in that country.  
If a family bought the house next door to you and you noticed that the wife was wearing hajib, would you bake them cookies and introduce yourself, or would you keep one loaded gun closer to you in case they were 'radicals'?  
KCFlyer said:
No...I'm willing to defend us against radical Islam.  What is it...and where is it if "bombing the #### out of them" is the best defense?   You tell me I have no spine...you and others say that Obama won't say radical Islam...great...one more time - define it.  And tell me how bombing the #### out of some country will eradicate it.   Unless you plan on eradicating everything in that country.  
If a family bought the house next door to you and you noticed that the wife was wearing hajib, would you bake them cookies and introduce yourself, or would you keep one loaded gun closer to you in case they were 'radicals'?  
Let us know when you place you and your family in the front of the line to preserve your feel good political correctness.
The modern day liberal:
townpete said:
Let us know when you place you and your family in the front of the line to preserve your feel good political correctness.
Tell me when you sign up to fight radical Islam.  Then tell me....will you need a plane to get to the front lines.  What is it...where is it.  YOu seem to be ignoring that.  
Brexit was won on immigration not the economy. That's why Trump can win the presidency.
Britain’s Prime Minister Cameron assumed, arrogantly and patronisingly, that he would win this referendum by relying on the tried and tested vote-winning issue of the economy.
But he seriously misjudged the mood of the nation.
In fact, it was immigration and ‘getting our country back’ which won it for the Brexiters.
Donald Trump is currently behind Hillary Clinton in most presidency polls, betting odds and Wall Street opinion - but so was the Leave camp for much of the EU campaign.
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