KCFlyer said:
So tell me...what did trump mean by "bomb the sh!t of them"? What is the plan....or does he have one?
You seem to have issues with collateral damage......have you contemplated just what that entails?
KCFlyer said:
So tell me...what did trump mean by "bomb the sh!t of them"? What is the plan....or does he have one?
Don't you have a klan meeting to attend?southwind said:Doubt he would defend an old white guy or make an excuse for him.
Again, where are the peace loving Muslims, speaking out against radical ISLAMIC Terrorism?
Maybe 700 can piece together another meme!
He got kicked out, didn't meet their educational standards.700UW said:Don't you have a klan meeting to attend?
delldude said:
You seem to have issues with collateral damage......have you contemplated just what that entails?
KCFlyer said:
Collateral damage occurs when innocents are killed when bombing the sh!t out of a county to kill a group that aren't a part of any country. It has a tendency to backfire when those deaths of innocents are dismissed as "collateral damage"....in effect aiding in the recruitment of those that wish to do harm to us.
If you can point to the country of ISIS on a map, then bomb the #### out of it. If you can't - then you run the risk of killing many who don't like ISIS...yet. Once you kill their kid, they might start viewing ISIS with new eyes.
first of all you of all people are the last person to call anyone out on being a moderator, that's hilarious700UW said:Maybe you should stop stalking me thread to thread and did your junior moderator kit come in the mail today?
townpete said:
So you feel that we should just line up to be slaughtered and never fight back?
You willing to go to the front of the line to be sacrificed in the next Orlando?
Didn't think so...
KCFlyer said:
As I said...point to ISIS on the map and bomb the #### out of that place. The thing you guys won't get thru your thick skulls is that ISIS represents mainstream Islam about as much as Scott Roeder represents mainstream Christianity. Trump tries to gain the simpleton vote by creating a war on Islam. What Trump and the idiots who believe that the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim is that such an attitude is doing EXACTLY what ISIS wants....getting mainstream Muslims who oppose ISIS to join forces with them.
cltrat said:maybe we could see a link where Trump says the only good Muslim is a dead one. we''ll be waiting
cltrat said:maybe we could see a link where Trump says the only good Muslim is a dead one. we''ll be waiting
get me that link and maybe I will until then you're just some off kilter liberal running that mouth with nothing to back itKCFlyer said:We are at war with "radical Islam". You all say that Obama is afraid to say it. Define that please....and tell me how bombing the #### out of a non radical Muslim will help protect us.
KCFlyer said:
We are at war with "radical Islam". You all say that Obama is afraid to say it. Define that please....and tell me how bombing the #### out of a non radical Muslim will help protect us.
townpete said:
In your world view you would have laid down and surrendered after Pearl Harbor, 9/11, etc
Ever consider a spine replacement?