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Trump Polling

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delldude said:
Tell us about Bernie the draft dodger.
Wow...I am impressed because Bernie is consistent in his views.  He opposed Vietnam...he opposed Iraq.   He applied for conscientious objector status.  Let's compare to Donald Trump, who fought his Vietnam by having unprotected sex in the 70's and coming out without any STD's  (that we know of).  Those damn bone spurs.  Other republicans are eager to go to war....but none of them saw any combat when they were of age  So yeah...Bernie as a draft dodger is kind of admirable.  Consistency - something sorely lacking among republicans.  
700UW said:
Is Bill or I running for POTUS?

Pete your suppose to be in Iowa ..
Strike three. Now you can believe this, or not, but I know nothing at all about who this Pete is, but you do seem to get things mixed up quit often now don;t you?
KCFlyer said:
Wow...I am impressed because Bernie is consistent in his views.  He opposed Vietnam...he opposed Iraq.   He applied for conscientious objector status.  Let's compare to Donald Trump, who fought his Vietnam by having unprotected sex in the 70's and coming out without any STD's  (that we know of).  Those damn bone spurs.  Other republicans are eager to go to war....but none of them saw any combat when they were of age  So yeah...Bernie as a draft dodger is kind of admirable.  Consistency - something sorely lacking among republicans.  
Just curious KC. What's your military history?
Insp4 said:
Just curious KC. What's your military history?
Vietnam ended when I was 17, so I didn't see combat. Trump was a bit older than me, and most of the republican warlords that never saw a war they didn't love also never saw a war where they ever served.   At least Bernie is consistent in his view.  
KCFlyer said:
Wow...I am impressed because Bernie is consistent in his views.  He opposed Vietnam...he opposed Iraq.   He applied for conscientious objector status.  Let's compare to Donald Trump, who fought his Vietnam by having unprotected sex in the 70's and coming out without any STD's  (that we know of).  Those damn bone spurs.  Other republicans are eager to go to war....but none of them saw any combat when they were of age  So yeah...Bernie as a draft dodger is kind of admirable.  Consistency - something sorely lacking among republicans.  
A consummate draft dodger at his finest.
KCFlyer said:
Vietnam ended when I was 17, so I didn't see combat. Trump was a bit older than me, and most of the republican warlords that never saw a war they didn't love also never saw a war where they ever served.   At least Bernie is consistent in his view.  
I didn't ask about combat. I asked about your military history. So you didn't serve?  Obama didn't either, or Bill Clinton.
Insp4 said:
I didn't ask about combat. I asked about your military history. So you didn't serve?  Obama didn't either, or Bill Clinton.
Don't forget Dick "I had better things to do" Cheney....prime architect of the Iraq fiasco.  
What was your military history?  Peeling 'taters in peacetime Nebraska? 
Four years active duty. U.S.  Navy, In fighter squadron, carrier combat operations off Viet Nam, 1964-65.
KCFlyer said:
That's great. You know, Trump equated what you did with him  avoiding getting the clap or HIV in the 80's.  
But this is who you want to vote for
Listen K.C. I can't answer for Trump, all I have to do is answer for myself. I don't condone what Trump said, or done, or what Clinton, has done. They are both damaged goods in my book. But we now have a choose to make, that is between Trump, and the wife of Monica Lewinski"s boyfriend.
Insp4 said:
Listen K.C. I can't answer for Trump, all I have to do is answer for myself. I don't condone what Trump said, or done, or what Clinton, has done. They are both damaged goods in my book. But we now have a choose to make, that is between Trump, and the wife of Monica Lewinski"s boyfriend.
I'm not voting - it doesn't matter because where I live, Trump will win the electoral vote for my state.  I don't like Hillary, so I'm not going to vote for her either.  I don't defend Hillary - but it amazes me that people who consider Obama a liar are willing to overlook Trump's penchant for lying. It amazes me that evangelicals who "defend marriage" will throw their support behind a guy who has been married 3 times and cheated countless others.   It amazes me to see people who claim to honor our men and women in uniform will give a guy a pass for calling someone who spent time in a POW camp in Vietnam a loser who got captured.  Or those who lost a friend in battle in the jungles of Vietnam pull the lever to vote for some guy who equates the bravery of that fallen brother in arms with making it thru the 80's without getting an STD.    
I'm not a fan of the wife of Monica Lewinsky's boyfriend, but the guy you plan on voting for is far worse. 
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