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Trump Polling

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delldude said:
Just had to go meme on me.
---My Bad, couldn't help it... 😛
Look, I don't see Trump running the country down the tubes. He still has to deal with both Houses, which may still be R, he has to work with them to get his things accomplished. I think in the end both branches could effect real positive change.
I hear he's Hitler and such, carte blanche EO's if he doesn't get his way.
Look at what we got now.
I really think he's going to go Humpty Dumpty on the establishment crew and start things rolling along to eliminate that stale BS.
Let's hope so.
B) xUT
xUT said:
Yea, Ok.
Rump never broke the law, got it!
B) xUT
Has he? Charged and convicted of what? No ambassador has died to my knowledge by his hand. Nor has any United States top secrets been put in peril by his ignorance, unlike the Hildabeast. Got it?

Get over your butt hurt your candidate (Rand Paul?) didn't make the cut.

I can't imagine Trump being worse than the last 8 years. He seems to love being a American, unlike most of the librard lefties out in La La Land.

Besides if/when Trump wins the White House, many Hollyweird and Black Lies Matter libtards are moving out to North Korea, Russia, and that lefty paradise....Venezuela (bring your own toilet paper). That alone gets my Trump vote.
700UW said:
Updated 8:27 AM ET, Wed June 1, 2016
Washington (CNN)With the final primaries of the 2016 nomination season approaching, a new CNN Poll of Polls finds the candidates most likely to lead their parties into the general election are locked in a tight contest. Hillary Clinton holds an average of 45% support while 43% back Donald Trump across five recent nationwide polls of registered voters.
700UW said:
Judge Orders Release of Documents in Trump University Lawsuit
Best check your undies, Pal.......
LawNewz.com discovered that when it comes to politics, Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd, the law firm behind the class action lawsuit, is not exactly neutral either. Our analysis, using data first compiled by The Washington Post, found that Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd paid the Clintons a total of $675,000 in fees for speeches since 2009. Hillary Clinton gave a $225,000 speech at the law firm as recently as September 4, 2014.  Bill Clinton also gave a speech for the same fee back in 2013, and another one in 2009 before the firm had been renamed (they used to be called Coughlin Stoia Geller Rudman & Robbins LLP). In fact, of the five law firms that paid for the Clintons to speak over the last few years, Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd paid out the most money.
Is Bill or I running for POTUS?

Pete your suppose to be in Iowa ..
delldude said:
Tell us about Bernie the draft dodger.
or Hillary the criminal How has she served other than getting them killed by her well proven poor judgement
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