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Trump not a threat to democracy

Trump has my cat worried that the illegals are going to eat him so he keeps an eye out for them

The American people don’t need ABC moderators to Fact Check any candidates. We can read Politifact if we want.

Alien sex change operations in prison.

Hey Troll you win. 🏆 Don’t want you to hit that report button again. I can’t afford the tissue boxes in Kamala’s America. If the ignore button is good enough for SWAMECH (Swamt) it’ll have to be good enough for me. Hey Mods next technology update try a Block feature.

Hey...she opened the door and he walked right in. His staff urged him to not talk about crowd size or other whacky stuff. But he can't help himself. Trump would have been called a winner if his reply to her would have been "are we really here to talk about crowd sizes when there is " and finish with any of the policy points his staff wrote out for him and not some bizarre stuff about aliens eating pets. But moderators will be blamed, the network will be blamed, anitfa will be blamed, the deep state will be blamed and the ASPCA will be blamed when the fact of teh matter is that there is only one person to blame and his initials are DJT
And he can’t just make that happen.

Congress has a say in it.

Didn’t say he could but I’ve never heard anyone propose it before and that law would go to help the Blue Collar workers unlike Student Loan relief which would come out of the pockets of those of us who couldn’t or couldn’t afford to go to College.

Do you think if Trump was elected the Democrats would block it? Now wouldn’t that be interesting.

And in keeping with the topic. Trump is not a threat to Democracy but Biden and Harris are a threat to the World.

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And he can’t just make that happen.

Congress has a say in it.
I don;'t know how good that would be for the working man. Companies will either implement mandatory overtime, taking away any semblance of a personal life, or productivity will drop because people can get an instant raise just by not finishing up in 40 hours and having to work a little OT to pad the paycheck.

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