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TRUMP Hands US Senate Control to President B I D E N !

Some among America's military allies believe Trump deliberately attempted a coup and may have had help from federal law-enforcement officials

Business insider.
Military and Defense section. Very interesting

"DEAD ON", robbed with this assumption !!!!!!!!!!!
Need further Proof anyone, just look at the CAPITAL Police, and the Half-Assed Job they did the other day !
Anyone want to venture a guess of how many CPO's voted for the ORANGE MORON ?
T H I N K about IT. THINK HARD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Given its supposed to be one of the most secured bldgs on earth and warning signs missed i can see a number of people both las enforcement and intelligence have a lot to answer for as somehow someway signs were missed. Total breakdown in a number of areas
Well KC, I read several of the opinions and there is evidence.
He lost, KC, the sun will still come up and my beer will still be cold.
There are many accusations of election fraud. The mere inference of this should be investigated and the results shown and explained. That simple. The future integrity of the election process is now in question.
I have one question, though.....one would think our congressional members on both sides of the aisle would be tripping over themselves to investigate these questions, why are the democrats adamantly refusing to for a bipartisan election commission then? Pelosi stripped it from the covid package and McConnell put it back in.

Democrats don't want the 2020 election investigated......hmmmmmmm.

You are joking right? There is nothing to investigate except for how people who believe this were so gullible.
You are joking right? There is nothing to investigate except for how people who believe this were so gullible.

It is sad that so many people can be convinced by one evil man that lies are truth and reality is not real. What could possibly have gone wrong inside their heads to believe things that have been proven false just because one man says otherwise? How can their minds be so weak to choose to believe obvious lies over truth?

I could never be that weak. If any Democratic president had committed even a fraction of the crimes trump (sic) did, or told a fraction of the lies, there is no way I would support him or her. That is the difference between us.

trump (sic) will be leaving office soon. But the sickness will remain as long as almost half the country will continue to believe lies over truth and commit these acts because of it.

P.Rez it is good to see AZ continue on its path to a more labor and union-friendly state. Happy new year 2021.
I'm sure Trump thought He could flip it. since Trump may well have killed the GOP. Trump has rebranded the GOP and left them with a spine. Hopefully they will recognize this and move on, if they don't and regress into the party of appeasement, they are done.

False. If they had a spine they would have stayed in the chambers during the treasonous insurrection. The rioters are traitors and those in Congress who incited them are traitors and should be tried as such.
Listen, you RETARD.

I Don't PAY FEDERAL TAXES, nor do I ever get a refund, PLUS I live in a State, with NO state Income TAX !

Shall I HAVE to Mention this AGAIN, to YOU ????????????
Get a grip Bears. Do you think income tax is the only federal tax you pay? Do you buy gas? Check out the fed tax listed on the pump. I'm sure there are others if you look hard enough. you should get out more often. sheesh
Just look who won. There's your proof.
funny...we said the same thing in 2016. Our candidate lost some "swing" states by a far narroow margin that Trump lost these. We weren't happy because 3 million more people voted for our candidate, but we were told to "suck it up, you lost". They usually added that the electoral vote is what matters. And they said that because, save for the "swing" states, the EC vote usually goes to the GOP. And since the GOP didn't win the electoral vote this time around, there was OBVIOUSLY fraud (but only in the swing states, the states that Trump won, the election was pure as the driven snow). So I understand your shock. YOu all were most likely ready for a repeat of 2016...where our candidate wins the popular vote but Trump wins the electoral vote. What's hard for many Trump supporters to understand is that there were a lot of people who didn't like Trump. Even in swing states. My county has been reliably red in the presidential election for over half a century. But this election, Biden won by 9 percentage points.
There wasn't any fraud....just more people didn't like Trump.
funny...we said the same thing in 2016. Our candidate lost some "swing" states by a far narroow margin that Trump lost these. We weren't happy because 3 million more people voted for our candidate, but we were told to "suck it up, you lost". They usually added that the electoral vote is what matters. And they said that because, save for the "swing" states, the EC vote usually goes to the GOP. And since the GOP didn't win the electoral vote this time around, there was OBVIOUSLY fraud (but only in the swing states, the states that Trump won, the election was pure as the driven snow). So I understand your shock. YOu all were most likely ready for a repeat of 2016...where our candidate wins the popular vote but Trump wins the electoral vote. What's hard for many Trump supporters to understand is that there were a lot of people who didn't like Trump. Even in swing states. My county has been reliably red in the presidential election for over half a century. But this election, Biden won by 9 percentage points.
There wasn't any fraud....just more people didn't like Trump.

I agree 100% and although many of us said trump (sic) was not our president, we did not say he was not the president of the USA.

Oh, and we also weren't traitors who stormed the capitol resulting in 5 deaths while trying to stage a coup. It does not matter what I think, KC thinks, or Bear thinks. History has already judged these traitors who have brought shame upon themselves and their families. All the historians that make the news circuits on several networks-all of them including some who were on Reagan's team-have said they will be judged as traitors.
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Get a grip Bears. Do you think income tax is the only federal tax you pay? Do you buy gas? Check out the fed tax listed on the pump. I'm sure there are others if you look hard enough. you should get out more often. sheesh

NO gas-pump-shock Here, Sea' !

Up here in Gods Country, we're Use to $ 3+ gas !!

'GRIP xxxx ' !
Steelers have too much class claim a landslide and hire Giuliani.

ANOTHER of your " Better-ones ", Dog'.

Truth be told, I've got a TON of Respect for PIT, and BEN. Taking nothing away from CLE !
There is a silver lining for PIT though. At least they can't LOSE to ' Prince Patrick ', and the CHIEFS .

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