Trump Cabinet picks, and others


Dec 24, 2014
I haven't seen a thread directed specifically at this. Thought it might help instead of getting into the weeds of the other Trump threads.

I'll start with my hope,

SOS: John Bolton
I know the press are pushing Rudy, but Bolton would hit the ground running and send our enemies running for cover.

SOD: Mike Flynn

SCOTUS: Joan Larsen, multiple academic awards , 48

That would be a great start
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If it's war with Iran or letting them get nukes, give me war with Iran. It would be very short.
If it's war with Iran or letting them get nukes, give me war with Iran. It would be very short.

The war with Afghanistan and Iraq was going to be short. Que the tape.

I remember Bolton from the Florida recount. He would have major problems getting confirmed in the senate. Bush had to recess appoint him.

There are so many other greatly qualified conservative people for the job.
I see Trump is kicking out most of the lobbyists.
Glad to see he's sticking to his guns on this one!

Yea Trump!
That has always been one of my pet peeves and one of the reasons I voted for him!
If it's war with Iran or letting them get nukes, give me war with Iran. It would be very short.

Funnyl...that's what they said about Iraq.

And Bibi will be wishing he had that pussy Obama back in office. You DO realize that a war in Iran will result in bad stuff happening in Israel...ESPECIALLY if nobody is able to explain to Trump why we haven't used nukes on ISIS yet.
I see Trump is kicking out most of the lobbyists.
Glad to see he's sticking to his guns on this one!

Yea Trump!
That has always been one of my pet peeves and one of the reasons I voted for him!
View attachment 11380

Hey X, Who will write the legislation now? Lobbyists have handed the bills to the critters forever. Don't actually believe that they won't be doing the same thing.
Just like campaign finance reform. The cockroaches just found tighter cracks to squirm through. Same old song and dance...
By JESUS, I NEVER thought I'd say this, BUT I've getting (SOME) vibes that DJT along with a big chunk of CERTAIN REPLUGS and Some Senate Dems will help him get chit done that will give whack job Replugs F'n fits. Now Thats a scenario I can live with. (I mean Donald IS a R i n o ) !
Trump offers retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn national security advisor job

Ygbfkm. Look up what this guy has said and tweeted.

Funnyl...that's what they said about Iraq.

And Bibi will be wishing he had that pussy Obama back in office. You DO realize that a war in Iran will result in bad stuff happening in Israel...ESPECIALLY if nobody is able to explain to Trump why we haven't used nukes on ISIS yet.

Hardly. Israel would love it, and "Bibi" would NEVER wish for any "pussy" in office. You do know Mr. Netanyahu's military history, and that of his brother sacrificing his life while commanding the heroic raid on Entebbe, right?
If it's war with Iran or letting them get nukes, give me war with Iran. It would be very short.

Works for me. I'll never forget the incredulous feelings we shared as then mere LT's when another spineless liberal darling, little jimmie peanut refused to take off our choke chains back in '79 when those disgusting scum were daily parading around captured Americans from our previous embassy. Whatever else can be said; does anyone REALLY think the world is "better off" having allowed Iran to get away with that and become a funda"mental" bastion of muslim insanity ever since? Can ANYONE even begin to imagine we'll all be "better off" if they're allowed to continually develop both nuclear weapons and missile systems capable of delivering such to our door steps?
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Hey X, Who will write the legislation now? Lobbyists have handed the bills to the critters forever. Don't actually believe that they won't be doing the same thing.
Just like campaign finance reform. The cockroaches just found tighter cracks to squirm through. Same old song and dance...

The people we elected minus the kick backs.
You can just give up, but these parasites need to get a job.
LOL :p
Works for me. I'll never forget the incredulous feelings we shared as then mere LT's when another spineless liberal, dahling jimmie peanut refused to take off our choke chains back in '79/'80 when those disgusting scum were daily parading around captured Americans from our previous embassy. Whatever else can be said; does anyone REALLY think the world is "better off" having allowed Iran to get away with that and become a funda"mental" bastion of muslim insanity ever since?

I am with you there.
We really showed our gutless superior power there.