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Transportation Executive Orders Airline Probe

4merresrat said:
. .. I have been a good boy since simply expressing my opinions and pay the fee and here I am.

Well, paying your fees and expressing your opinion maybe, but being a good boy, well, that might be exagerating a little bit. :up:
EyeInTheSky said:
I would not be surprised if the owners of USaviation receive a subpoena for the IP address of the poster. Hate to say it, be careful what you post on here or there could be a knock on your door by men in black.

What the hell happened to the first admendment and the freedom of speech?
The first amendment only applies to the government restricting free speech.

And American Airlines sued a internet bulletin board and got the person's hard drive who runs it.

And Northwest sued flight attendants and got their hard drives and terminated employees for slowdowns and sickouts.
goingboeing said:
What the hell happened to the first admendment and the freedom of speech?

goingboeing, there's free speech and then there is stupidity in posting something that gets the Feds involved.
goingboeing said:
What the hell happened to the first admendment and the freedom of speech?

It isnt a free speech issue. It is one thing to say something but quite another to do something. Especially if you talked about it before hand.
If the Feds get involved, I presume it is to see what laws were broken,

Someone please tell me what is illegal about a contracted and earned employee
benifit being used. If you earn and acrew sick time, have it in the bank, call in in
the advance time period to notice the company, where is it illegal.

This is a comercial company, with comercial contracts, What federal laws
prohibit an employee from using his/her benifits.

Any legal probe woyld be against USAIRWAYS MANAGEMENT for not having a
viable plan to run a comercial transport company that honors the provisions of
their legally binding employment contracts. Vacation, Holiday pay,Duty Rigs
Scheduling, And accrewed sick time being used.

The company simply does not how to run a business.
CS AGENT said:
....Any legal probe woyld be against USAIRWAYS MANAGEMENT for not having a
viable plan to run a comercial transport company that honors the provisions of
their legally binding employment contracts. Vacation, Holiday pay,Duty Rigs
Scheduling, And accrewed sick time being used.

The company simply does not how to run a business.

That about sums it up. Any government probe will be up the collective posterior of USAirways management. No laws were broken, and it didn't take a rocket surgeon to see this coming. Hack73 was merely the first to voice it on these forums.

So the employees can rest easy, despite the inane snickering by the moderator.
The supposed "warning" just made NBC6 News here in CLT at 11.
usfliboi said:
I hope they get IP adresses... they can start with Dell dude, since he said he did and will again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIRE THEM!!!!!!!
jeez...i'm feeling kind of sick tonite....maybe it was something i ate.....maybe its work related..lol 😛 ......yes i have an eye problem...i can't see coming in...lol.... 😛
Tampering with or purposely mishandling a passenger's luggage is a federal criminal offense.


USA320Pilot said:
Tampering with or purposely mishandling a passenger's luggage is a federal driminal offense.


don't tell no one..i cheated on my tax return once...
does this make me a driminal?