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Us Airways Special Bulletin

It's going to be interesting to learn if there really was an increase in sick calls or if this is smoke to cover a staffing problem. Hmmm......
TDR1502C said:
It's going to be interesting to learn if there really was an increase in sick calls or if this is smoke to cover a staffing problem. Hmmm......
The company is short on EVERY position on a normal day. I'd bet that there wasn't any higher sick call rate this year than last or even the year before. Also, it's flu season and no one got shots, plus severe cold weather over most of the system. To blame unions or union action is plainly ridulous. Unions LIKE to take credit for their actions, so this surely is not one. Looks like a lot of folks here are jumping to conclusions without knowing any facts, including the company which is making releases to the media. I got news for them. Whether its the employees or not, the traveling public won't buy tickets on a broken company. And, as for any hopes of space positive tickets, anybody that really thought they would see them must still believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny! Anybody in management worth their salt knows that an employee problem is a management problem, and any manager worth having has left UAIR for a viable company long ago.
Rock On! I think that U.SAir employees are way cool and besides,SWA and JB do not own enough aircraft to fly everybody.

Merry Christmas!
goingboeing said:
Rock On! I think that U.SAir employees are way cool and besides,SWA and JB do not own enough aircraft to fly everybody.

Merry Christmas!

Pretty easy to fix that. It takes some paint. They will get a good deal on the planes too.
PITbull said:

Feel good about what is happening???? Whoa, that's some assumption, my friend.

I am going to pretend that you just didn't post that to me :angry: .....
No need to pretend. They were really very simple questions and ones I will ask you again. What happened to the tag line? Why take it off now?

You have for some time now been “encouraging†“suggestingâ€, “proposingâ€, “warningâ€, “inferringâ€, â€threatingâ€, i.e., pick the semantics that you feel most comfortable with, and I was just wondering how you felt about the success of the chaos that your and other groups successfully employed over the weekend. As they say on this and other Internet boards, you are what you post. So please forgive me if my assumption was wrong, but given your tag line, what assumptions was I to draw from it?

PITbull said:
AFA has finally reached a Tentative Agreement in case you've been out of the country, or just plain "out to lunch". We are in the process of voting on a T/A, and the negotiating committee worked extremely hard to get to the "cost savings" the company insisted they needed, with much creativity.
So where is your outrage that a few employees could jeopardize the future of so many?
PITbull said:
The employees of U have experienced major sacrificing to save this airline.... more than you could possibly fathom by employees from any company reported in the history of this industry...you won't get any satisfaction from here by trying to "brow whip" me into chastising our rank and file. Every carrier has staffing shortages during the holidays in December. Weather never helps the situation, and management has had enough years to solve these kinds of problems.
To be fair to your group, it does appear that the pond scum working the ramps in PHL were the major contributors to the issues created over the weekend, so I’m not trying to brow whip you into do doing anything. Just wondering where the outrage on your part is that 220+ employees from your group and the 80 or so rampers could jeopardize the jobs of the the other 5,400 of your members. I was just wondering where the outrage is toward those same employees for ruining the holidays for thousands of US customers., many of which will never fly US again. And as I have explained to at least one other poster here, in this case saying you don’t condone something is not the same as condemning it. I wonder how many of the employees that pulled this stunt will be represented by your union when they try to get the their jobs back. If the unions are truly interested in protecting its members at this critical point with the T/A and all, wouldn't’t they want these employees off the property since their actions are clearly illegal? No bother to answer this one as the question is purely rhetorical
PITbull said:
If you are unhappy with U and the employees, there are many other airlines out there that may satisfy you and your transportation needs that you may find more reliable during this time of year .....far be it for me to force, or beg you into flying us...you have the right of "choice", and we appreciate the business you have given us.
It is not my business that you should be concerned about. I will stay here until the end because of friends I have made over the years. I will be here because of people like Jenny Ann and Tadir who busted their humps to make everything all right for the customer this weekend. As far as the others are concerned, well let’s just say that when they show up for work they should be fired and escorted off the property.. PHL is a house that needs to be cleaned and I can only hope that they start today or tomorrow with the process. And at this point I don’t’ give a damn about due rights. Take it up with a judge. They certainly didn’t care about the customers or their fellow union brother and sisters this weekend. These thugs and pond scum have jeopardized the livelihood of thousands.
PITbull said:
For many, many of the employees, they are once again, giving the company another fighting chance by conceding to negotiate a-gain. I personally don't know how the vote will go for AFA, but union leaders are in the crew rooms to help educate the f/as on exactly what the T/A includes, and what the neg. committee was able to succeed in obtaining in such a concessionary proposal. CHAOS authorization helped us achieve those goals. Like it or lump it, it did.

Happy holidays to you.

And happy holidays to you as well
longing4piedmont said:
No need to pretend. They were really very simple questions and ones I will ask you again. What happened to the tag line? Why take it off now?

To be fair to your group, it does appear that the pond scum working the ramps in PHL were the major contributors to the issues created over the weekend, so I’m not trying to brow whip you into do doing anything. Just wondering where the outrage on your part is that 220+ employees from your group and the 80 or so rampers could jeopardize the jobs of the the other 5,400 of your members. I was just wondering where the outrage is toward those same employees for ruining the holidays for thousands of US customers., many of which will never fly US again. And as I have explained to at least one other poster here, in this case saying you don’t condone something is not the same as condemning it. I wonder how many of the employees that pulled this stunt will be represented by your union when they try to get the their jobs back. If the unions are truly interested in protecting its members at this critical point with the T/A and all, wouldn't’t they want these employees off the property since their actions are clearly illegal? No bother to answer this one as the question is purely rhetorical

It is not my business that you should be concerned about. I will stay here until the end because of friends I have made over the years. I will be here because of people like Jenny Ann and Tadir who busted their humps to make everything all right for the customer this weekend. As far as the others are concerned, well let’s just say that when they show up for work they should be fired and escorted off the property.. PHL is a house that needs to be cleaned and I can only hope that they start today or tomorrow with the process. And at this point I don’t’ give a damn about due rights. Take it up with a judge. They certainly didn’t care about the customers or their fellow union brother and sisters this weekend. These thugs and pond scum have jeopardized the livelihood of thousands.
And happy holidays to you as well

No need to pretend???? What am I pretending, dear fellow customer?

You're assumptions will get the best of you, while you partner with this managment in believing every single word they say.....

Talk about scums that jeopardize the lvielihood of thousands...is this your contention with just labor or is managment un-onerous in your eyes...as you break bread with them every time you meet with your FF group?

Oh wait, we are just lowly rank and file, who deserve substandard wages, while the do-nothing big wigs rake in thousands for a salary.

And since you decided to "let down your hair", what the hey, your concern is your frequent flying miles and making sure they are intact and increasing while you fly for $199. And hell for me to "rain on your parade".

PITbull said:
No need to pretend???? What am I pretending, dear fellow customer?

You're assumptions will get the best of you, while you partner with this management in believing every single word they say.....

Talk about scums that jeopardize the livelihood of thousands...is this your contention with just labor or is management un-onerous in your eyes...as you break bread with them every time you meet with your FF group?
Oh wait, we are just lowly rank and file, who deserve substandard wages, while the do-nothing big wigs rake in thousands for a salary.

And since you decided to "let down your hair", what the hey, your concern is your frequent flying miles and making sure they are intact and increasing while you fly for $199. And hell for me to "rain on your parade".


Humm, short mental lapse perhaps? I quote " I going to pretend......" in big bold red letters.....

I see you are not going to answer a direct question asked of you twice. Why? Or is your refusal really the answer?

As for assumptions, you have no idea. Very few, if any of the management enjoy my conversations with them. I have a habit of speaking my mind directly and to the point. I am more critical of management in those conversations than I have ever been here toward employees, even those on here with whom I do not agree with.

And yes I do consider the actions of a few this weekend despicable and I can see you have a hard time coming to the same conclusion. One of the things I have admired about you was your strong stands for what you viewed as being wrong. Well no amount of spin is going to make the actions of the few this weekend anything other than despicable. I am beginning to believe you may indeed endorse these actions as being acceptable.

As far letting my hair down, you haven't seen anything yet. I will be much more active posting on this board as I'm tired of the bitching and moaning of a few who intend to drive this into the ground. Even the polls on this very page indicate that the members of this forum find the actions this weekend wrong by a overwhelming majority, and the past has also proven the this flavor of this forum is very anti-company and out of step with the majority of the employees who want to save the company.

As far as my frequent flyer miles I could care less if they survive or not. I have no plans for using them or burning them at this point so if they are here six months from now, great. If not, so be it. And I have never booked a $199 fare or less on US in my life. My average tickets on US in the past two years has exceeded well over $800 a week. So go ahead and rain on my parade, but try to be accurate when you do.
longing4piedmont said:
I will be much more active posting on this board as I'm tired of the bitching and moaning of a few who intend to drive this into the ground.
Guess you are tired of Dr Bronner, Lakefield, Glass and Crellin.

Hmm, how many times did Bronner say the "L" word?
700UW said:
Guess you are tired of Dr Bronner, Lakefield, Glass and Crellin.

Hmm, how many times did Bronner say the "L" word?
To answer you question. I don't care much for Bronner, but at the same time I have never had a conversation with him so that may not be a fair assessment.

Lakefield on the other hand is doing what has to be done to turn this turkey around. The damage was done long before either one of these two gentleman arrived and are now having to deal with years of severe mis-management. Bronner in the end may reap what he sows. Lakefield on the other hand really does care what is happening here, but has very Little leeway in what he can do to save it. Te patient was on the gurney with no pulse when he arrived.

I don't know Glass and have never met him. Crellin I understand is not a team player and from what I can tell does bear a lot of the responsibilty of the failures of management. Again I never meet the man, but I do not hold him in high regard. My conversations with him would be rather negative I'm afraid.
Lakefield is not doing anything, he has no airline experience and no idea.

They hired a VP of retstructuring and he is not being allowed to implement what he wants.

Glass is calling the shots, I saw it with my own eyes in the courtroom, Lakefield sat their like a bump on a log while Glass controlled everything.

And if Lakefield was a leader he would lead by example and take a paycut.

A man with no airline experience relying on Crellin and Glass is the easiest way to failure.

Lakefield "I am sorry I took this job!"

Real Leadership there!
700UW said:
Glass is calling the shots, I saw it with my own eyes in the courtroom, Lakefield sat their like a bump on a log while Glass controlled everything.

And if Lakefield was a leader he would lead by example and take a paycut.
Then you have no clue as to how the business world works. Given the role Glass plays in all this, he is going to be lead in court. So to use this as your example then you are either uneducated or trying to stir up a couple of turds. My real guess is that Glass is kicking your rear end from one end of the court to the other so it is easier to then attack Lakefield.

As for as Lakefields comments, I can understand his frustrations. He has limited resources to turn to, his options are limited, and he is trying to what has to be done to save the place for any future at all. All he gets is a bunch of people like the many posters on here, who have no clue, telling him what an ass he is. I would have told all of you to take a dump long before now. He has a very good reputation in the business world and has put a lot on the line to come here and take this on. But then is always easier to stand on the sidelines and throw crap, isn't it?
Where is Admiral Shear?
Why is he not being allowed to do his job?

And Glass is controlling everything, I have seen it 4 days a week for the past 2 months.

Lakefield is MIA.

And if Glass was kicking our rears, the judge would have granted the 1113e motion lock, stock and barrel.

I am not standing on the sidelines, I am on the field of play in the red zone.

But you are on the sidelines, aren't you!

I am not attacking Lakefield, I am stating facts.

Lakefield took no paycut, he makes more then Parker from WN and Neeleman from B6, lets see what is the difference?

Hmm, WN and B6 making profits, US losing money.

US rewards executives for failure, Wolf, Gangwal, Nagin, Siegel and Cohen walked away with $42 million in cash for failing, no wonder why the American system of doing business is failing.

This airline has no leadership, it is plain and simple.

Maybe Eliot Spitzer needs to be made aware of what is going on.
longing4piedmont said:
Humm, short mental lapse perhaps? I quote " I going to pretend......" in big bold red letters.....

I see you are not going to answer a direct question asked of you twice. Why? Or is your refusal really the answer?


I will repeat myself from the previous post as to the CHAOS signature...obviously you have a reading comprehension problem or just plain ignorant when someone directly answers a question.....

PITBULL states:For many, many of the employees, they are once again, giving the company another fighting chance by conceding to negotiate a-gain. I personally don't know how the vote will go for AFA, but union leaders are in the crew rooms to help educate the f/as on exactly what the T/A includes, and what the neg. committee was able to succeed in obtaining in such a concessionary proposal. CHAOS authorization helped us achieve those goals. Like it or lump it, it did.

I think you should be able to see the answer clearly now, unless of course you have that comprehension thing going on from all of the festivities of the holidays you got to enjoy.

I too, have a habit of speaking my mind, be it customer, employee, management, stake holder....on these boards, "all is fair in love and war"....
PITbull said:
I too, have a habit of speaking my mind, be it customer, employee, management, stake holder....on these boards, "all is fair in love and war"....
And that is why I still love ya. 🙂 Even when I don't like what you do.