
To be fair, DL outsources the HR call center function and many of the administrative functions of HR. It is a bit of a broad statement to say that HR is outsourced. DL obviously has people who manage HR for it.

There are many airlines as well as other companies that outsource specific support functions. There is a maxim in management that companies need to know what functions they intend to be good at and do that well. All of the other support stuff becomes ancillary. It is no different than you or I choosing to have someone else do our taxes while we do the painting and roofing; someone else might choose to have someone take care of their kids while they run their business from home. None of us, companies included, can be experts about everything. There are processes and automation that are unique to HR that an airline doesn't necessary have the resources to provide. When you consider that DL has payroll and benefit processes and laws to comply with for employees in dozens of countries around the world, sometimes something specialized like detailed HR processes makes sense to outsrouce.

I'm no fan of outsourcing but I would far rather have a back office function like HR call handling outsourced and keep the jobs that are core to the airline in-house.... and maybe like alot of DL's engine shops, insource work for other carriers.

Further, as far as I know, DL outsourced to a US company that uses US based, English speaking employees. I would far rather see an outsourced job - if it has to be outsourced - go to another American than to someone on the other side of the world that I can't understand. I just spent several hours on the phone yesterday talking w/ a "global bank" from a US number and ended up speaking w/ several people who I could barely understand.