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Tough To Say Good Bye


Oct 13, 2003
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Well i know it is mre than difficult to say goodbye to my fellow co workers that I have worked with over the course of the last 7 years. Tomorrow, June 2nd, 2005, is my personal last day as I have friday sat and sun on vacation. As for leaving, I find it very difficult saying goodbye to my fellow coworkers, but i do have a better job lined up already. for those who are staying on i sure do wish each and everyone the very best. its very truly sad that the iam union helped th company out by selling 30 cities and 600 employees out and down the river. and to pay 22.45 in dues on the severance is very sad. Good luck to each of you who do remain not only in ABE when Piedmont Airlines takes over, but to all of the those left in the other 28 cities outsourced cities with your career. I only wished that we could have been part of the AMerica West Merger as I sure do believe that it will be one the best things that happen to USAIR. Good Luck to ALL

Thank you for all your hard work and dedicated service to your company and your customers. We the customers truly appreciate all you and your colleagues do to make things work--were it not for all of you this company would have been gone long ago.

I wish you all the very best in your future endeavors, and if ever I can lend a kind word or be of any assistance to you please pm or email me.

Best regards and sincere thanks,

Art at ISP
Harrisburg goes down on the same day and from what their saying
not many staying on with peidmont
it is sad. thank yopu Art. I think that it is a slap in the face for anyone to stay with PI for 10.66 knowing that the top out is 12.50.
I have flown in and out of ABE for 8 years now, I was based there for 5.5 of those years. The operation ran like clockwork and I think management could have learned alot from them, if they would have ever bothered to notice. The ABE folks will be sorely missed. Best of luck to all of you.
Condolences, robbed.

I think U will miss the out-stations more than they know.

The out-stations are the shock absorbers of the system. They take late flights and turn them around into on-time. When they do experience a delay, they protect the passengers AND their bags. They are very creative at smoothing out the operation, as they have lots of experience working with few resources.

All this at times when management has gone home, or you wish they had (there has been a noticeable fall-off in the quality of CSM's).

Anybody who thinks the newbies are going to be up to speed anytime soon, or will EVER have the skills of the outsourced agents, is dreaming.

I am glad to hear you have landed on your feet, robbed. Please encourage your guys to get over their justifiable rage, and get on with their lives.

All the best,

thank you all. at least some of them have gotten a better job are looking forward to their new careers and collecting the unemployment, as well as the severance package.
ABE, ILM, MDT and MKE will all be outsourced this weekend. BNA, MYR and PNS will be outsourced next weekend.

Some of the best performing stations in the system. Very sad to see all that talent lost. God speed and best wishes to everyone.
Best of luck to you and fellow employees, they let us go on 5-8 and even though I have a better job all around (less pay for now) I miss those a/c a great deal. I keep checking for news on the U/HP merger when maybe I shouldn't care anymore. Maybe we all need a good non rev trip in the future...SJO?
Thanks to all. I can only hope that our useless mgmt team gets completely replaced by this amw (and potential AS) deal. but as far as coming back to work at usair, i dont think i would. my next job i will be working in the railroad department about 45min from my place of living.
but 18 to 20 bucks starting pay and full benes after 90 days are great way to start! good luck to each and every one of you all in the affected 30 cities.

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