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Total Value Statement

Come on, you can do better than that.

You're supposed to tell me I don't understand how an airline works and talk about how worthless my MBA is.
Oneflyer said:
Come on, you can do better than that.

You're supposed to tell me I don't understand how an airline works and talk about how worthless my MBA is.
I have an MBA, also. So what? I can't begin to tell you how many MBA holders I know today who are wearing paper hats to work.

All an MBA proves is that you and I were able to regurgitate business theory to professors who, for the most part, had never actually worked in business. And, let's remember that theory is where the rubber meets the sky.
jimntx said:
All an MBA proves is that you and I were able to regurgitate business theory to professors who, for the most part, had never actually worked in business.
Depends on what classes you take, where you take them, and from whom. I certainly have had my share of profs who don't have a clue. I have also had a handful who not only know what they're talking about, but also have successfully reengineered companies.

Unfortunately, I also had a supply chain prof who managed to redesign processes at a pretty lengthy run of failed companies...he wasn't quite as useful. 😀
WingNaPrayer said:
I thought I spelled it out clearly when I inferred that I understood that the higher value was what the company was claiming they were able to negotiate from.

It is still unfair to show the amount in actual dollars. It should be accurately reported to the employee the exact amount that was paid, not the amount the employee would have paid had they not bought the healthcare plan that AA was offering, or had negotiated for.

Therfore, the figures are flawed, and I still assert that they are flawed for an underlying purpose.

If my explanation of how I see it is not understandable to some, then so be it, it's the best I can do, and my analogy of how AA is reporting the "total value statement" is correct.

Since we're going to split hairs (jimntx was good enough to remind someone of the correct spelling of "asinine" I think the word you were looking for was "imply" rather than "infer."

I understand - perfectly - your point. You think the company should be punished for quoting a figure the employee would have had to pay on their own, because hey - employees are OWED healthcare coverage. It's a RIGHT, right?
And who cares if someone is SAVED $39,000 if their "benefactor" is only being rang up to the tune of a measly $16,000?

Like I said - crystal clear.
Rumor has it the company put out a statement regarding this very thread in one of it's jetwire broadcasts. Seems they are still adamant that the figures shown are the actual figures paid, not billed.

After seeing the records for two people now, one from Miami, one from Boston, and both have the same open ended questions, it is clear that either someone is whacked in the head in the department putting out these numbers, or someone is clearly cooking the books!

When adding all dental, medical, vision premiums, billed usage, less employee co-pays the numbers are still adding up to a sum much less that what is being shown as the total value. Now that the company is stomping it's foot and insisting that the numbers are actual, the idea of them totaling up what the employee would have paid without the benefit plan is thrown out the window. I also don't think the people who's bills I looked at have lost thousands of dollars worth of United Health Care statements each either.

It's a quandry to be sure, but I'm bored with it. Eventually something corrective will surface like it usually does.

Has anyone else added up their statements and tried to match the billings to the numbers shown on the TVS?
Looking on MyUHC.Com, you can view EOB's for last year and figure this out pretty quickly if you only have a few claims.

My daughter was hospitalized for a week last year (her first MBV....), and the pre-contract cost was in excess of $35K. The "total value" line item for health benefits was less than that by a pretty good margin, so I'm inclined to believe the amount shown is closer the amount actually paid out by the company, if not exactly.
WingNaPrayer said:
Ok, well now that I've physically sat down with someone and looked at their total value statement, it wasn't hard to figure out what was going on.

She was questioning why the amount shown for her medical was so high - in fact, almost 39,000.00 and it was a good question.

So, we got out all of her statements received from United Health Care over the past year, along with one vision statement and two dental, and started doing the math. The figure shown in the value statement was not what was actually PAID, but the figure shown was what was BILLED. Once we applied all of the allowable amounts that were actually paid for medical services, the 39K figure came all the way down to $16,423.00 There is a huge difference when you have a laboratory bill of around 560.00 and the allowable amount is like 72.00. However, that 560.00 figure is more impressive on a value statement.

By using the amount BILLED rather than the amount actually paid, an employee's cost to the company is actually being artificially inflated to the point that yes, when the time comes for the company to stand good on their word and return salaries to pre concession levels, this stuff will be thrown out there for all to see as to why the company can't keep it's word.

In other words, it's a crock of ####! Who in their right mind authorized the waste of company time and resources to come up with this mess?

Agent group - it's time to put pressure on the CWA and get a vote going. If they won't do it, then dump them for a union who DOES want to add about 20,000 plus dues paying members in the blink of an eye!
Wing, Amen, you took the words right out of my mouth--excellent.
Harder times are coming, folks. Been there......

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