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Aug 21, 2002
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October 13, 2005

This is Jack Stephan with a US Airways MEC update for Thursday, October 13th, with three new items.

Item 1. The MEC reconvened its special meeting today and passed several resolutions unanimously, including:

l Pilots who flowed up to MDA will be placed on the US Airways seniority list, in consecutive order, immediately below the most junior APL pilot, and those positions will be assigned exclusively to those pilots in their relative seniority before all other CEL pilots. With regard to mainline seniority positions for non-MDA CEL pilots, such mainline seniority is subject to a fully executed bi-directional flow-through agreement.

l The MEC recognizes that a Flow Through Agreement providing opportunities for CEL pilots to flow up to Airways (the part of US Airways, Inc. other than MDA) and opportunity for furloughed Airways and MDA CEL pilots to flow down to PWO Carriers could be beneficial for all US Airways Group pilots. Any equitable Flow Through agreement must provide job opportunities of value to furloughed US Airways pilots flowing down to a PWO Carrier.

As US Airways management has provided assurances of their desire to negotiate and reach agreement on a definitive Flow Through agreement, the MEC directed that the Negotiating Committee, in coordination with the MEC Officers, negotiate an equitable Flow Through agreement with all the parties to a Flow Through agreement, which would be US Airways management, PWO Carrier management, PDT MEC and PSA MEC.

If a Flow Through agreement containing equitable flow up and flow down provisions can not be reached with the PSA and PDT MEC's, then the US Airways MEC directs that the Flow Through (both flow up and flow down) discussions with the respective PSA MEC or PDT MEC be terminated.

l Our government, through airline managements, is targeting the elimination of retirement plans through the bankruptcy process or the threat thereof. The US Airways MEC requests that ALPA develop a multi-faceted strategic plan to counter this anti-labor movement that includes, but not
be limited to the following:
- Specific lawful workplace actions
- Media, government, and public education of the issues
- Cross industry coordination through the AFL-CIO

If this issue can not be resolved to labor’s satisfaction in the near future, the AFL-CIO should consider all avenues, up to and including cross-industry work stoppages.

The MEC adjourned its meeting at 1:50 p.m. The resolutions passed during this special meeting are posted under "What's New."

Item 2. As required by a provision of LOA 93, The Transformation Plan, all pre-petition qualified money contributions not made July 2004 through September 12, 2004 due to US Airways' second bankruptcy filing were retroactively paid by the Company to the pilots' DC plans on October 11th, ahead of the required date of November 30th, 2005. Fidelity Investments has added the contributions to your account balance. If you have any questions regarding these contributions, please contact Benefits Administration at 1-800-872-4780, option 2.

Item 3. The Merger Committee has posted a new update under "What's New." This update discusses the Committee's recent and upcoming activities and also talks about the US Airways pilots' expectations for the seniority integration process. All pilots are urged to read this new message.

Please remember we now have 1,574 pilots on furlough with approximately 400 pilots currently working at MDA or Jets For Jobs carriers.

Thank you for listening.

ALPA passed a resolution for cross Industry work stopages????? Will that include the NEW U pilots???? Did the ALPA MEC poll their members on this issue, cause that would be a first.

Why in hell didn't the ALPA U MEC try or attempt to save their own pension dumps. There wouldn't have been such a division of the MEC if they would have even put up a slight whimper for their pensions. And why for the love of God didn't ALPA International help USAirways pilots in 2003? (No one answer that; its retorhical).

Can you believe this? The call to action N-O-W????????

Are these caharacters for real?

Just for some thought provoking idea....when exactly did ALPA International get a clue on the pension termination issue? Before or after USairways had the judge terminate theirs along with approval from the U MEC????

Lord, they must have thought they were in some kind of vacume or something, huh? :blink: I believe they just woke up from their deep sleep.
PITbull said:
ALPA passed an a resolution for cross Industry work stopages????? Will that include the NEW U pilots????

Why in hell didn't the ALPA MEC try or attempt to save their own pension dumps. And why for the love of God didn't ALPA International?

Can you believe this? The call to action N-O-W????????

Are these caharacters for real?

Just wait and see how good things get if by some weird chance our favorite USAviation Pilot poster gets elected in LGA!

You are are right though, too little to late. Two of the individuals that prevented a membership vote on the loss of the pension have left the property. One at AirTran the other to Jet Blue.

We should have set the Parking Brakes a long time ago over these and other issues. ALPA National has been egregiously absent in representing its membership on this matter. It was only AFTER USAirways stole (with MEC approval) the USAirways pilots defined contribution plan that ALPA National (Duane Woerth) began to act (react).
If this issue can not be resolved to labor’s satisfaction in the near future, the AFL-CIO should consider all avenues, up to and including cross-industry work stoppages.

No resoloutin was passed...see above quote
Of coarse ALPA National/D.W. are finally worried about the loss of their plans.... Northwest is next on the chopping block and thus D.W.'s retirement. How do you expect the poor man to get by on the $450,000 he makes each year not including expense accounts or perks.....


i'm sure afl-cio will as its members will step up to the task to help out their brother unionists after their showing of support of actions at several different companies.... :lol

never crossed a picket line, just flew over a bunch 😉
Emil, Just read the threads and you find among the ALPA persons all is fine untill it begins affecting them personally! I guess that is where the statement "ALPA eat their young" comes from. Sorry, I do not mean to offend the good ones out there, you know the ones I am speaking about!!!
Just wait and see how good things get if by some weird chance our favorite USAviation Pilot poster gets elected in LGA!

Didn't he just lose an election? It seems like it was just a few months ago that he ran and only received a handful of votes.
Didn't he just lose an election? It seems like it was just a few months ago that he ran and only received a handful of votes.

It's really very scary. And I'm afraid enough clueless LGA pilots will vote for him strictly on name recognition. He manages to plaster his moniker everywhere, and now he's kissing up to everybody he can with endless "helpful information" emails.

The last election was a few years back. He lost by ONE vote, but was new in the base at that time.
He lost by three, I posted the MEC update about it, but it was removed somehow.
It's really very scary. And I'm afraid enough clueless LGA pilots will vote for him strictly on name recognition. He manages to plaster his moniker everywhere, and now he's kissing up to everybody he can with endless "helpful information" emails.

The last election was a few years back. He lost by ONE vote, but was new in the base at that time.
heh heh heh..... 😉 can dress one up but they're still.......................... :shock: