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To the CWA Local Presidents....


Aug 20, 2002
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Save your ranting and raving about a new election or a tainted one....the vote is over and done with....the company goes before the board in a week and every union is on board with these goofball cuts....these issues should have been taken care of at the TOP LEVEL of the CWA organization..not the local level...and it wasnt............the CWA has become a major letdown in my book and it doesn''t surprise me one bit that more than half of the agents didnt bother to vote or that people who shouldn''t have been allowed to vote voted....scrambling for a no vote after the board puts out this contract is just par for the course ......so save your breath and focus on your own lives now....because that''s all that''s left......this contract should have never been given to this group to vote on....so why would you expect anything different than the total screwup it has become....
Rob,[BR][BR]Different labor group, however I share your sentiments that the International leaders should have been more active with all groups. However, we are dealing with 'Union Busters' and this is exactly what they want. The groups fighting within and against each other. There are rumblings of decertification within my group and I am adamantly opposed to this. If individuals are disgusted with their International and local representation there are other available avenues (recall). Just ask the ramp what happened to them in the early 90's when their union was voted out.[BR][BR]I read you posts and you do a great job of keeping your membership informed. Please explore avenues to change without losing organized representation. In the end, I believe, your co-workers will thank you.
On 1/11/2003 11:16:45 PM Robc98 wrote:

Save your ranting and raving about a new election or a tainted one....the vote is over and done with....the company goes before the board in a week and every union is on board with these goofball cuts....these issues should have been taken care of at the TOP LEVEL of the CWA organization..not the local level...and it wasnt............the CWA has become a major letdown in my book and it doesn't surprise me one bit that more than half of the agents didnt bother to vote or that people who shouldn't have been allowed to vote voted....scrambling for a no vote after the board puts out this contract is just par for the course ......so save your breath and focus on your own lives now....because that's all that's left......this contract should have never been given to this group to vote on....so why would you expect anything different than the total screwup it has become....
Rob it's been quiet here for 2 days about "the vote"..chill! and for what it's worth , 3900 out of 6000 cast ballots, that's a bit more than 1/2 that did vote.The 1/3 ratio of no show voters does make a sad statement about current affairs though.
To Severed and happy....the vote was 42pct of the total voted....that in my book is very poor especially since this contract could affect so many peoples jobs with the outsourcing to skycaps and SAR's....but anyway thats for a different time.......

To mlt....thank you for your comments...I do not want to see anybody decertified...we need a union regardless of how inept they may be at times...who knows what would happen if we didnt...I just hope that when better times come around that they get right back in their faces and demand a little more of the pie back......
I kinda look at things with a different spin. Yes the company got what they wanted. But by how much???? Not much at all. The message has also been sent to the company with the attitude do not ask again because it will not happen. I honestly do not forsee in the future the company coming back to labor to ask for more. IMO it will be voted down by a landslide. We all gotta put things in more of a positive prospective in a negative time for this industry.
On 1/15/2003 7:26:56 PM REACC1 wrote:

Perhaps we would have, and would be better off with just one union for the airport masses. Strength in numbers, one (louder) voice, more benifits on the agent side as well as the corporate side. I am refering to just the airport agents, fleet and cs. They might not be so quick to dismantle just one larger union body.
Yes, the vote is over and a poor showing was had by all. The unions all over this country have gotten soft; I believe this generation of workers never knew what it was like to be abused by corporations. I believe we need a "new" kind of union mentality in today's markets. The steel mill mentality was ridiculous (they made their own rules; no (mostly) work ethic, etc. We need to consolidate; the only way to fight corporate greed. If this goes on there will be no middle class. And CEO's will still be making millions and screwing up the company and "worker bees" at the same time. I'm tired of seeing Enron look-alikes every time I turn around. But it all boils down to "us", the worker bees. We need strong, knowledgeable leadership, not just someone with a big mouth. (Sorry ,couldn't resist). And we need each employee to "CARE" enough to get involved. This is a sad time for all, but none of us, from the top down, has done a very good job of keeping this airline flying. We, as employees, trusted those at the top to be knowledgeable, business savvy, concerned that their business decisions were viable, and we expected them to care about this airline. Didn't happen....and we weren't paying attention.
Perhaps we would have, and would be better off with just one union for the airport masses. Strength in numbers, one (louder) voice, more benifits on the agent side as well as the corporate side. I am refering to just the airport agents, fleet and cs. They might not be so quick to dismantle just one larger union body.

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