To All The " Pinies" Of The World

Gone 4Now... Not exactly sure what got under your skin but I too agree with everyone here...

Heck, I would get really bored eventually on here if I couldn't find an opinion coming from "Outside" the Box !!!

KC FLYER.... About what "Elmer" said... Hey Aviation just gets in some peoples blood.. And I am Happy to say that everytime I hear a Jet take off..A little bit of excitment runs through me !!! ;)

Even "newbies" should be allowed an opinion - weren't we all new at one time?

I think all Elmer was really saying was those of us who have spent years in this industry are continually amazed that so many people find aviation so enchanting. We are involved in the day to day grind and it does become "just another job" after awhile. I don't mean that we would just as soon be doing something else - it does get in your blood. I merely mean that we know it's not the glamourous, thrilling occupation that many outsiders still see it as.

I will turn to watch an airplane land, take-off, or fly overhead. But I'll admit that I'm also amazed at the number of people sitting by an airport watching the planes come and go on any given day .

By the way, CLT has a nice observation area on the west side of the airport. Overlooks 18R-36L and even has picnic tables. I've seen 30-40 cars parked there on a nice day.


Even "newbies" should be allowed an opinion - weren't we all new at one time?

I think all Elmer was really saying was those of us who have spent years in this industry are continually amazed that so many people find aviation so enchanting. We are involved in the day to day grind and it does become "just another job" after awhile. I don't mean that we would just as soon be doing something else - it does get in your blood. I merely mean that we know it's not the glamourous, thrilling occupation that many outsiders still see it as.

Clearly the airline business has quite an allure if there are so many boards -, yahoo, flyertalk, the old PBB, and - that draw out so many people to discuss airlines. Nonetheless, for chumps like elmer to come out here and automatically assume that somebody who is not in the "know" cannot possibly understand the "know," are fooling themselves.

By the way, CLT has a nice observation area on the west side of the airport. Overlooks 18R-36L and even has picnic tables. I've seen 30-40 cars parked there on a nice day.

As to aircraft viewing, I recommend only two spots #1 is DCA at the north end of Runway 36 (also known as Gravelly point park). Nice views of all three runways, Commuter World, and the like. #2 is more of a was as the best viewing area around - Laurel Street at SAN with the parking lot paralleling TWY B/B1 and the run up to 27.
Had forgotten about the DCA spot - with all the RJ's there, I don't get there much anymore.


Even "newbies" should be allowed an opinion - weren't we all new at one time?

I think all Elmer was really saying was those of us who have spent years in this industry are continually amazed that so many people find aviation so enchanting. We are involved in the day to day grind and it does become "just another job" after awhile. I don't mean that we would just as soon be doing something else - it does get in your blood. I merely mean that we know it's not the glamourous, thrilling occupation that many outsiders still see it as.

Don't get us wrong - a lot of us watching those planes really have no desire to work in the airline industry these days - our jobs may be boring, but for most of us, they offer more stability. As far as being "just another job" - I grew up in Florida...ten miles from Disney World and less than 50 miles from the beach. Never could understand why my cousins from Ohio always wanted to go to the beach or Disney...they were "just there" as far as I was concerned. Orlando wasn't the most glamorous place to live in the 60's and early 70's - but somehow, those who didn't live there thought I was the luckiest guy in the world because I had the beach and the mouse so closeby. In other words - it's all in the perception.

I will turn to watch an airplane land, take-off, or fly overhead. But I'll admit that I'm also amazed at the number of people sitting by an airport watching the planes come and go on any given day .

Again, most of the folks gathering to watch the planes are watching the planes because they are amazed that something so big can become airborne, not because they harbor some desire to work for an airline. Although I do admit that those who watch with a notepad and jot down the N number may be a bit obsessed, I still don't think it means that they want to work for an airline.
KCFlyer said:
Although I do admit that those who watch with a notepad and jot down the N number may be a bit obsessed, I still don't think it means that they want to work for an airline.
Those folks might want to be prepared for a firm 'frisking' by the Dept of Homeland Security at Gravelly Point!

Seriously, take Care, everyone.
I understand completely KC. Continue to be fascinated but hold onto your steady job.

[Nonetheless, for chumps like elmer to come out here and automatically assume that somebody who is not in the "know" cannot possibly understand the "know," are fooling themselves.]

Chump? Yeah calling people nutcases I suppose I have that coming. I think originally, getting back to the topic, I was defending Piney. I certainly didn't tell a long time poster to "kiss off". I was giving opinion in the spirit of this board. If no one agrees with my posts, Tough. To the subtopic developing, I just don't think of aviation/airlines to be akin to a spectator sport.
whether or not one is to acknowledge them......

the customer must be considered as a team member.....and a very important team member

they are!

thanks piney bob and all the other customers for your contributions to this board
When I originally read Gone's post starting this thread I was both shocked and a bit offended. Then I realized his/her comments are based in frustration, and perhaps a touch of anger--misdirected but there nonetheless.

I don't agree with everything Piney says either, but that is the nature of such a board. To bash or knock someone for taking an opposing view is both immature and unacceptable. After all there is more than 1 side to every story--usually 3 sides- your side, my side and the truth (maybe more in this case).

I know that all of US people are under tremendous pressure, and I am the first to admit that I have NOT walked in your shoes. I can, however, speak for myself and many of my other fellow loyal US customers when I say that we DO feel like we have a right to post here, as we have a vested interest in the outcome of this situation as well--not the same interest as you do, but one nonetheless. We share your concerns and for the most part we support all of you and appreciate all you do for us.

As I have said before, change is inevitable. The business has changed, so the way you do business has to change as well. There are many cost savings, however, which could be realized WITHOUT putting the arm on labor again, and these MUST happen before management comes back to you for anything else, INCLUDING work rule changes, some of which are actually smart. Will there be some more short term pain? Probably.....but THESE changes can result in long term gain.

With everything that's wrong with the company now, there is something that is very right--you, the fine front line, who are without doubt absolutely the finest this industry has to offer. You are the reason so many of us stay, and believe me I go out of my way to let "management" know that every single day.

With that said, I want to wish each and everyone a happy, healthy, safe and secure holiday season, and a happy and better new year.

My best to you all.......
I'm glad the Wright brothers didn't see some of this thread. I like watching space shuttle launches, aircraft carriers, submarines, even a new pair of shoes walk bye.

In SAN we used to go to the top of the parking garage to watch British Airways 747 buzz are heads on landing, it was phenomenal!!!

Thanks for spending the time to post your third party perspective PB, and happy holidays to all
Bear96 said:
... I have used the analogy in the past that I shop at the same supermarket once per week...
Me too! B) But I spend a heck of a lot more money on plane tickets than I do groceries. And I spend a lot more time on airplanes and in airports than I do in the grocery store. That probably accounts for some of the interest.

Are you nuts? I'm not an employee -- I'm your customer. I read these forums to get an idea of where my airline (yes I said 'my' - I spend enough time on your planes) is going. Folks like me are buying the tickets with pay the bills. I'm one of your "most" FF - 120 flights in 03. I send my one and two year old children on your planes. I'm very interested to know if the aircraft and flight crews will bring them home safely. I realize these forums have drifted to mostly 'mouthpieces' for employees. But last time I checked - they are open to the public. Oh ya - one final point... I read these to get an idea if I should stick it out with US Airways for another year or start the New Year and earn status on another carrier. Which would you prefer?

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