To All the well intentioned " Pinies" of the world... no matter what your situation, no matter whom you are employed by, and no matter what threats of oursourcing, cutbacks hear rumors of in your particular personal life or occupation......the bottom line is YOU ARE NOT ONE OF US...You are NOT a USAIRWAYS employee. I cant for the life of me understand why someone outside the company..let alone the industry...has so little of a life that they feel the need to post here to ...."motivate us to reflect on the situation" .....We LIVE the situation.
We do not need outsiders to tell us how to think or act in regards to our dealings with our employer....USairways and all its WOs......any more than we need foreigners to tell us how to vote in the next presidential election. Side liner bleeding hearts are not needed or beneficial to our interests. Get a life of your own...if you have all this free time to post here on a situation in which you are not even involved, redirect your efforts and dontate all this time to some charity. Your time would be much better spent and someone may actually benefit from it.
We do not need outsiders to tell us how to think or act in regards to our dealings with our employer....USairways and all its WOs......any more than we need foreigners to tell us how to vote in the next presidential election. Side liner bleeding hearts are not needed or beneficial to our interests. Get a life of your own...if you have all this free time to post here on a situation in which you are not even involved, redirect your efforts and dontate all this time to some charity. Your time would be much better spent and someone may actually benefit from it.