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To All Fleet Service Personnel

"Your IAM pension is worth more then the 401k, you dont have to pay any of your own money into and you get a $78 per month multiplier"

Once again 700 you are WRONG. The MLE agents had this cut in HALF to a measly $37.50 per month. Now that most of the former MLE employees are on the street anyway, even this paultry amount isn't worth Squat to them. How the IAM ever decided that the MLE employees only deserved 1/2 is beyond me. We didn't earn 1/2 of what the Mainline guys did, but they felt the need to Screw us just a little bit more.
On the AGC issue, they are paid by the IAM, are they not??
They may have taken a pay cut with the company, but the IAM more than compensated them for it. I will forever place a large part of the blame on the IAM, as that is where it belongs. The IAM could have arranged the furniture a few different ways to acheive the cost savings that the company wanted without losing as many employees.
I am not the only one that feels this way, so there are a few more people in my world than there are in yours. 😱
First of all the IAM did not change the CBA, Judge Mitchell, the company and you the members did.

Second they are not paid by the company, the districts gave them the concessions as the members.

I was there I am telling you the company wanted what they wanted and how they wanted, it did not matter what the IAM came up with to give to the company.

I know we had that problem with the mechanic and related group and we would talk to the fleet NC almost on a daily basis and they had the same problem.

Since you were not there I would not expect you to know that, and god forbid you would actually listen and learn from people that were.

The M&R group gave the company a offer that met their financial target and saved more jobs the company responded it keeps too many people on the payroll even though it meets the financial target and rejected it.

Once again, don't let the facts get in the way of your rant.

Take your anger out on the company, they are the ones who caused everything to happen, not the unions.
First of all

and god forbid

Ever notice how this poster always talks down to people and he and no one else "knows" the facts.

He should read the book titled, "I'm ok you're ok"

And he should capitalize GOD, by not doing so it shows the world just how important GOD is in his life, but then GOD is spelled IAM in his world.
First and Final warning. This will not turn into a 700UW vs calibrator topic.

Get it back on topic “To All Fleet Service Personnel, Regarding snapbacksâ€￾.
Can someone explain to me why then we had to pay higher dues then shortly after the darn contract got "voted" in even though PVD and BDL both got voted to class 1 cities and yet the dues went sky high to i believe it was 22.45 a check which makes it in one month a sky high total of 44.90? to me it seems that they had to "raise the dues" to keep the high wages rolling to the top leaders of the IAM.
Let me explain this once again.

Dues are set by the local level, not the international.

GO read you local lodge bylaws to see how your local calculates them.

More then likely it is two times the wieghted hourly wage.
Our dues were close to 3X the hourly rate, not 2x as you say they SHOULD have been.
Since you were there with the Company, maybe you can fill us in on the deal that was struck to keep catering in the hubs in favor of outsourcing the 20+ stations....
This info was leaked to several of us from the Mouths of IAM reps once the deal was done. The sad thing is that catering people were being used in some stations to cover Fleet work due to manpower shortages. If catering were outsourced, most of the people would have still been able to hold jobs on the ramp to fill vacant positions. After hundreds lost their jobs in the class 2 stations, some of the hubs have been hiring off the street to fill those fleet jobs. Many of us lost jobs to save catering, and now
the company is hiring close to the same amount to fill positions where catering still exists....Are you getting the picture now??? The IAM boys say, screw everyone else as long as they aren't in MY Station..... :shock:
Since you were there with the Company, maybe you can fill us in on the deal that was struck to keep catering in the hubs in favor of outsourcing the 20+ stations....

This info was leaked to several of us from the Mouths of IAM reps :shock:

How bout it 700? Is this true or not? Request a reply.
Since you were not there I would not expect you to know that, and god forbid you would actually listen and learn from people that were.

Once again, don't let the facts get in the way of your rant.

You sound more and more like a certain Airbus Captain, going on about how "He was there and you weren't" and assorted other bullsh!t...
there was at least 30 cities that were lost by the end of June 2005.
To name a few, ORF ATL IAH RIC SAN PHX SEA ABE MDT Then our dues went sky rocketing to the 44.90 for full timers and 33.90 for part timers. and dont give me that crap about it is a local setting there 700 because the local for the ABE area is PHL 1776. They set it. pathetic
there was at least 30 cities that were lost by the end of June 2005.
To name a few, ORF ATL IAH RIC SAN PHX SEA ABE MDT Then our dues went sky rocketing to the 44.90 for full timers and 33.90 for part timers. and dont give me that crap about it is a local setting there 700 because the local for the ABE area is PHL 1776. They set it. pathetic

God guess most don't understand the AGC's have a hard time living on 100,000 a year. Thats why your dues keeps going up! So guys and gals the IAM mouthpiece supporter on this thread wants you all to just shut up. He has an agenda so he can someday be appointed to a union job and suck the money out of your wallet just like all the other con artists in IAM postions presently.
Well there you have it 700, a few more poeple who are living in "My world". I can assume by the above posters user name, that perhaps they may be in a hub, and know the
"True" story of how the IAM-FSA operates. Based on what I have been reading here, you only have one supporter, and he has been quiet for most of this battle. You may just have to Roll-over on this issue, as you have NOBODY that is buying your IAM cheers for all of the Crap that they have pulled with the Membership!!!
I am not fleet service, but I did hear there was a disagreement amongst the PHL reps and the rest of the committee in regard to catering.

Let me explain this one again, read it slowly and maybe you will finally comprehend it.

It was a final offer, not a negotiated agreement, do you understand what that means?

The company and the union DID NOT reach an agreement.
Why then did the IAM not attempt to reach a better agreement proir to the Judge's ruling as did the CWA???
The CWA made a better deal for their people by a longshot. IF the IAM KNEW that the Judge was going to force this agreement upon them, why did they hold out?? Did the IAM think that for once they were going to take a tough stand against the Company and win out? They could have avoided the inevitable by sitting down sooner, and made things better for many of their members. Since you are not in Fleet, I don't think that you have the same perspective as those who got Screwed by their Union dragging thier feet. If the whispers of what went down if PHL with catering got to you, there must be something to the story. I have more than one source to confirm how they sold us out. Is this the type of Fair treatment one should expect from an organization that they pay dues to?? Some of my info comes Direct from IAM people who were in the meetings, and others who were sitting on the Comapanies side of the table.
Plain and Simple, many of us lost jobs and our careers do to thier one-sided deal to protect a given few in their Station. If you can't realize by this time where I am coming from, you never will.

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