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To All Fleet Service Personnel

That goes for everyone including you BrutallyHonest. Get it back on track folks.
The union is as only strong as its members, what have you done to make things better for yourself and your coworkers?
Well, lets see. My local was 4 1/2 hrs from where I worked. Drove past one that was 2 1/4 hrs away, AGC when I asked why, said "they need your dues." It is an old established mechanincs local....still run by them. Meetings on Sat at 0900. Subtract 4.30 from 0900 and you see why those from my station and the others in fleet (most were in about the same distance away) could not participate more. AGC worked out of his home. Rarely saw him, never got answers when we did see him.

It's hard to respect IAM when all they have done is "set me up" and used me for their and mechanincs gain. Guys, if you are going to get "snapback" because your union got it for you.....forget it, it aint gonna happen.

You should note that 700UW is the only person associated with IAM that ever responds to any comments. Hey, the IAM gosip paper sent out monthy contains only UA stuff. How can I get my name removed off the mailing list?
i havent gotten one since i blacked out my address and name on it and put a return to sender on it.
Our local was a distance from us also. We did have a Shop Steward who made the trip down there on a regular basis prior to the Station being Expressed. He reported back to us that the local was also mostly MTC related, and lots of UA people. He did try to voice our concerns, but they fell on deaf ears since they only cared about their own local issues. The small stations were only good for one thing to the IAM, and that was Dues Money. We only saw them for an election, or when they brought Bad News about the fate of our Station. They even got Pissed at us for getting angry about losing our jobs....The nerve of us to act that way after they sold us out to save catering!! Nothing more that a bunch of Politician wanna-bees in training...

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