Try this interesting situation for size.
A USAir pilot works for 14 years at USAir and then gets furloughed. He then gets hired onto the bottom of HP (still hopeful that one day he could work for one of the real majors, whatever that means) and works for 2 years at HP before the merger happens.
He is now on the merged seniority list twice. One based on his position on each prior list.
With a reasonable integration, where would you expect him to show up for each? You be the judge.
His two new numbers are over 1000 numbers different. His 2 years of service at HP got him placed above someone at USAir with 20 years of active service, who was over 700 numbers senior to him on thursday. After starting his career over, his seniority leapfrogged 700 of his previous co-workers.
Boy if everyone could start over after 14 years with that much karma.

:blink: :unsure:
🙁 😛
No. Of course not.