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Those Who Fail To Change...

I wonder how long before we have autopilots...that is no pilots needed. Redundant auto pilots... Internet (eliminate res), kiosk(eliminate agents), boarding card readers(eliminate more agents)....and autopilot's..(eliminate airbus pilots)....

Ha Ha.. Ha...

you know Respectfully......

Flight Crew positions have been outsourced to technology already. Years ago we had two pilots, one flight engineer, a navigator, and a radio operator.

Today we have two pilots and remote controlled drones doing military flying.

The time will come when automation takes us to one pilot and a computer operator and then just one pilot. We're not there yet, but it's coming.


How bout now....think of the money USAirways could save.

USA320Pilot said:
Many posters are quick to blame management and always point out flaws in other people, but refuse to acknowledge the fundamental changes affecting the industry.

For example, the industry saw weak revenue in August and September due to hurricane disruptions, thunderstorms, LCC expansion, and relentless Internet booking discounting.

Costs continue to rise with excessive government taxation, new TSA security expenses, and crippling fuel prices, now near $50 a barrel for oil.

Fuel increases alone will add $6 billion in industry expenses this year, roughly the estimated loss. Therefore, I believe it’s safe to say that if fuel had remained at previous year US Airways would have been profitable.

Does management have any control over these issues? No, of course not.


The Real problem is not only did the industry change but the Government has not allowed the natural process of change to take place. They have proped up carriers that do not need to be probe up and have allowed the BK process to advantage mis managed Airlines.

That is the fundemental change in the industry. If carriers go into BK they should liquidate. Period. That is survival of the fittest. That is the real test of a carrier willing to change. Not something imposed on the employees after the fact. This way you really see who has the gumption and the heart to survivie.

Does managemtn have any control over these issues? You bet your cohones they do. A320 why dont you start listing what operational changes have been implemented to save money. How about save fuel? How about consiolidate hubs? How about streaming lining crews?

Dont want to hear about hopes or expansion into new areas, what has U done to save money with what they have?

Read the other boards and there are tons of ideas that other carriers are implementing. Nothing here but "This is what we want to do, but in order to do it we have to cut more!"

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