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Fake news K.C.!
Is it really? Why do you say it's fake? Was it because of a Fox News story? I read one on Fox that said it was all a lie....fake news. They BLASTED the "unnamed sources". They had tweets form folks like you...saying that it takes a real coward to remain anonymous. And Fox had sources to say it was all a lie. I wondered who they were....but they weren't named. Hmmm...two stories...both with unnamed sources. Which one do we believe?
Based on hearsay. Good enough for you though.

" Based on HEARSAY" ????

W-T-F are you Smoking these days ZOMbie ??
The story, (or HEARSAY as you 'JIM JONES' creatures like to refer to it), was REPORTED By Fox New's CHIEF FOREIGN Affairs correspondent Jennifer Griffin.

After that FOOLISH LOOKING A - Hole, Greg Gutfield on his program " The Five", Yucked-it-up saying the story had no validity, his producers were FRANTICALLY waving him with the "OFF SIGN" to STOP, because They NOW KNEW it was true !

Ms Griffin, received RESOUNDING Support from her Many, Many colleagues @ FOX NEWS for here credibility !!

Sooooo ZOMbie, keep drinking your Georgetown GUYANA, Jim Jones KOOL-AIDE. Everything will be FINE, in a very few moments !!
The same sources Fox used to say it wasn't true.
Names K.C!....... Give us names of these so called "sources"!!! Here I'll give you one! John Belton, And this from Fox News: https://www.foxnews.com/media/john-bolton-denies-atlantic-report-trump-soliders-france
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" Based on HEARSAY" ????

W-T-F are you Smoking these days ZOMbie ??
The story, (or HEARSAY as you 'JIM JONES' creatures like to refer to it), was REPORTED By Fox New's CHIEF FOREIGN Affairs correspondent Jennifer Griffin.

After that FOOLISH LOOKING A - Hole, Greg Gutfield on his program " The Five", Yucked-it-up saying the story had no validity, his producers were FRANTICALLY waving him with the "OFF SIGN" to STOP, because They NOW KNEW it was true !

Ms Griffin, received RESOUNDING Support from her Many, Many colleagues @ FOX NEWS for here credibility !!

Sooooo ZOMbie, keep drinking your Georgetown GUYANA, Jim Jones KOOL-AIDE. Everything will be FINE, in a very few moments !!
Bears you don't get it! It don't matter who reported it! The man is totally correct! Without names of the sources, this story is totally hearsay!......Nothing more! And at this point it's not surprising how fast you are jumping on nothing more than a rumor!
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Names K.C!....... Give us names of these so called "sources"!!! Here I'll give you one! John Belton, And this from Fox News: https://www.foxnews.com/media/john-bolton-denies-atlantic-report-trump-soliders-france

Here's what Bolton said "He never said that when I was there, but that doesn't mean he didn't say in another time when I was not present". Helluva defense there. Kind of like "He didn't beat his wife Saturday morning, but that doesn't mean he didn't beat her later that day.

But what about the other sources who denied it and who blasted the Atlantic for using unnamed sources. The sources that deny it are also not named...however they ARE somehow more credible.

I do something that you don't do - I listen to what Trump says. The words that come out of his mouth. You're a Vietnam vet, right? So...how much respect did Trump show John McCain? Trump never even saw desk duty stateside because of his bone spurs. McCain pretty much lost the use of his arms by being tortured in a North Vietnamese prison camp...a place he STAYED at when offered a release, but declined as long as his men were still there. He said he prefers people who weren't captured. Were any of your brothers in arms captured? Trump doesn't like them. But you like Trump more than you like them I guess. And we all know that McCain was just a RINO, so he really was a loser. Also...I'm interested....did your feet ever hurt when you were in Vietnam. Wouldn't it have been nice if they had been hurting BEFORE you were sent over there?

Then I read books...LOTS of books. Did you not respect your Generals when you were in the service? Because according to Rex Tillerson, John Kelly and others who said he totally disrespected the military brass. Was Trump right? Were they a bunch of idiots? Was THAT very respectful of the military? Trump told his sons that he would disown them if they joined the military. If he'd do that to his own kid, why would he love somebody else not named Trump?

His words and his actions both lean the arrow VERY far towards the "Accurate" column when it comes to the accusations of him disrespecting soldiers.
Liston K.C. As I stated before without the names of sources that claim Trump made those remarks there is no case! As far as Trump and McCain go, I learned years ago that people change........ You could use the word "evolve". Some for the better, others not so much!.....I respect the John McCain of the Vietnam days, but not Senator John McCain. I respect our President Trump, but not the Donald Trump of the Vietnam days!....... I hope that makes since!
Liston K.C. As I stated before without the names of sources that claim Trump made those remarks there is no case! As far as Trump and McCain go, I learned years ago that people change........ You could use the word "evolve". Some for the better, others not so much!.....I respect the John McCain of the Vietnam days, but not Senator John McCain. I respect our President Trump, but not the Donald Trump of the Vietnam days!....... I hope that makes since!

WEre any of your brothers in arms POW's? Did they vote for Trump? Because he said he liked people who weren't captured....insulting THEM. My source? Donald T Rump. And FWIW, Trump wasn't asked about McCain the Senator...he was asked about McCain the soldier. Disrespect. From the lips of Donald T Rump. I dunno...if I say the words "Jane Fonda" I get an earful of what a ***** she was...regardless of any change or evolution. She's still a word that isn't allowed on this board. Trump insulted prisoners of war...just as bad as Fonda....But he "evolved" and she didn't.

Then there are his twits about how he knows more than the Generals. How he insulted and belittled military brass. He called THEM losers. They lips (or fingers) of Donald T Rump. So it's not a strecth to imagine him saying what I believe he actually DID say.

And finally...can I get an honest answer here. If it were the same situation...."unnamed sources" claiming that troops were called losers and suckers...except that Obama was president...would you doubt the story because the sources were unnamed? Because I remember this birth certificate thing that our dear leader was harping on Obama about. He said "many people say". And he got a LOT of folks buying into the birther thing. You might have been one of them.
Imagine if Breitbart ran a story that quoted anonymous sources as claiming that Creepy Joe had groped several members of his campaign staff and used foul language when they turned him down.

How much credence would you give it?

Yeah, I thought so.

The Atlantic is no better than Breitbart or Vox when it comes to journalistic integrity. They exist as political publications intended to attack.

The never-Trumpers and Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers love this stuff just as much as Trumpicans eat up everything that Breitbart serves up.
Imagine if Breitbart ran a story that quoted anonymous sources as claiming that Creepy Joe had groped several members of his campaign staff and used foul language when they turned him down.

How much credence would you give it?

Yeah, I thought so.

The Atlantic is no better than Breitbart or Vox when it comes to journalistic integrity. They exist as political publications intended to attack.

The never-Trumpers and Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers love this stuff just as much as Trumpicans eat up everything that Breitbart serves up.

Allow Me Eric, to Explain WHY, YOU, and People EXACTLY like YOU, are the MOST DANGEROUS People in America, and on earth !

It's because You Are Very SMART, Very INTELLIGENT, the exact opposite of LEMMINGS like Insp69, who spends half of his time walking around in his existence, Unaware that he's " ALIVE, and BREATHING " !! Therefore, the ' Short Arm Inspector ' 🙄 😉 😛 🙄 , qualifies for 'half a pass' !

YOU on the other hand " KNOW " , the MORON is and has been GUILTY, 90+ % of the time throughout his whole F Worthless Life, for the things he's done, YET, like a Heinrich Himmler, you Support him.

That's what makes you Soooooo F DANGEROUS !! (and others exactly LIKE YOU) !!
Imagine if Breitbart ran a story that quoted anonymous sources as claiming that Creepy Joe had groped several members of his campaign staff and used foul language when they turned him down.

How much credence would you give it?

Yeah, I thought so.

The Atlantic is no better than Breitbart or Vox when it comes to journalistic integrity. They exist as political publications intended to attack.

The never-Trumpers and Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers love this stuff just as much as Trumpicans eat up everything that Breitbart serves up.

Here's the thing about Icky Donald and Creepy Joe. Trump has shown us time after time. Grab a woman by the pussy? Trump says you can do that if your rich. Call a POW a loser and insult all POW's by saying you like people who weren't captured? Donald Trump's lips were moving and those words came out of his mouth. Insulting the Generals? Why just check Trump's tweeter account. Want to see a naked teenager? Buy the beauty pageant and walk on it...you're the owner after all. Trump displays it almost daily. Trump only knows winners and losers. Winners make money. Losers don't. All from his words and actions. So when a story comes out by unnamed sources that fall in line with his past history, it's a LOT easier to believe. I don't believe Creepy Joe has publicly bragged and berated people as much as Trump. Harder to believe. And as long as we are going to say ":Creepy JOe"....just look at the fatherly love here....

Well if we want to go there....I wonder how many times Ivanka has sat on Trumps lap naked. The way he talks about her and lets other talk about her makes me believe he has at some point. I also think I paid for a few abortions that he opposes today. Creepy Joe can't hold a candle to Icky Don.
As usual all in your head KC.

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